What To Do If A Cat's Ears Hurt

What To Do If A Cat's Ears Hurt
What To Do If A Cat's Ears Hurt

Pets require attention and, in some cases, help. Usually cats themselves do an excellent job with hygiene procedures, wash, clean themselves. But in some cases, this is not enough.

What to do if your cat's ears hurt
What to do if your cat's ears hurt

Ears are a rather vulnerable organ in a cat. Ear problems always require medication.

Symptoms to watch out for


- the cat constantly shakes its ears, as if something got into them;

- the cat scratches his ears on the carpet, furniture, pulls them with his paws;

- inside the ear is dirty, there are discharge of gray, brown, dark brown;

- irritation inside the ear, redness, rash, or sores;

- bad smell from the ears or squelching sounds when pressed.

Diseases causing these symptoms

how to clean a little kitten's ears
how to clean a little kitten's ears

A common cause of concern for a pet is otodectosis, or in common parlance, ear scabies caused by ear mites. To get rid of parasites, it is necessary to daily clean the cat's ears with a gauze swab and instill in both ears, even if only one itching, drops from otodectosis.

If there are several animals in the house, all of them should receive treatment at the same time, no matter how many of them get sick. Ticks are easily transmitted by contact between healthy and sick pets.

It happens that the cause of concern is trauma, as a result of which a hematoma is formed. It looks like swelling or swelling. The ear will hurt. Lack of treatment, at best, leads to deformation of the auricle, at worst, an abscess can develop. Hematoma should be treated immediately and should be dealt with by a veterinarian.

An abscess is outwardly difficult to distinguish from a hematoma, but it is a more serious problem, because the cause of its occurrence is an infection. Surgery is indispensable here, so you should seek help from a veterinarian.

If a pustular rash appears on the outer surface of a cat's ear, forming weeping ulcers, the cause is most likely a fungus. The first step is to blot the ulcers with sterile gauze and sprinkle with streptocide powder. Fungus treatment will be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Otitis media is a rather serious concern. In a relatively mild form, it is an inflammation of the external ear. If this disease is started, inflammation of the middle and inner ear can begin, which often leads to deafness or even death of the pet. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, as a rule, these are ointments and drops externally, antibiotics are prescribed internally.

If the tests in the clinic did not reveal infections, fungi and ticks, there were no injuries or inflammations, but redness and rashes are noticeable on the cat's ears, it may be an allergy. Allergy ointments can help remove its manifestations. But for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment, you should contact an allergist veterinarian.

It will be useful to periodically clean the ears from contamination, even if the pet is healthy and does not show anxiety.

To clean your ears, you can use drops, which are always available at your veterinary pharmacy, or use peroxide. A small amount of the drug is applied to a sterile gauze swab, which cleans the ear from impurities.
