How To Treat Inflamed Lymph Nodes In A Cat

How To Treat Inflamed Lymph Nodes In A Cat
How To Treat Inflamed Lymph Nodes In A Cat

It is important for a loving owner not only to caress the cat, but also to feel it for inflammation. Behind the thick coat, you can find the appearance of cones, an increase in organs. Especially if the general condition of the animal does not raise any questions. Treatment of swollen lymph nodes in a cat requires careful attention.

How to treat inflamed lymph nodes in a cat
How to treat inflamed lymph nodes in a cat

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

The term lymphadenopathy is used to refer to inflamed lymph nodes. Inflammation can occur due to infection and cancer.

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If problems with lymph nodes have arisen due to infection, then this is a disease called lymphadenitis. When inflammation begins in the body, the lymph nodes adjacent to the affected organ are often enlarged. For example, if a cat's gums are affected, the submandibular lymph nodes and tonsils are usually enlarged.

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Also, the causes can be viruses, microbes and parasites (worms). In this case, the goal of treatment is destruction.

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A paired or single increase occurs in metabolic disorders, decreased immunity and injuries.

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If the lymph nodes of the animal are massively enlarged, then you need to donate blood. With leukosarcoma and leukemia, there may be such symptoms, but without tests, these diseases are not recognized in any way.

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Other symptoms depend on the organ or part of the body in which the disease develops. A sore throat may cause a cat to be reluctant to eat, cough, and drool. Some of these signs may be due to inflamed lymph nodes, because they interfere with swallowing.

In case the cat's paws are infected, there will be an increase in the lymph nodes along the paws of the animal. Lameness may appear. Moreover, the reason for this will not be so much pain in the limbs themselves, as a painful reaction of the inflamed lymph nodes.

Lymphadenitis is generally not harmful to cats. Naturally, subject to timely detection and treatment. When the disease is cured, the lymph nodes return to their normal state.

Lymphadenitis treatment in cats

You can choose an effective treatment only by establishing the exact cause of the disease. Therefore, the first thing to do is make the right diagnosis. To do this, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

If the infection is bacterial in nature, then antibiotics are prescribed, to which this type of bacteria is sensitive. If the enlargement of the lymph nodes is caused by a fungal infection, then antifungal drugs are used.

With a viral infection, treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. The choice of the drug is influenced by the condition and pathogens of inflammation. Most often it is bruneomecin.

When the condition of the animal worsens (difficulty breathing, fever and apathy), hormones are prescribed.