How To Treat Dermatitis In Dogs

How To Treat Dermatitis In Dogs
How To Treat Dermatitis In Dogs

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Dogs, like humans, have their own diseases. Only now, animals tolerate diseases much worse, because they cannot say and explain where, what and how they hurt. Especially when it comes to a disease such as dermatitis. The animal itches and literally tears its skin from unbearable itching. And the owners may think that he just has fleas. Dermatitis must be treated very carefully.

How to treat dermatitis in dogs
How to treat dermatitis in dogs


Step 1

Since sores form on the dog's body with the development of dermatitis, they must be treated first. Take Burrow's solution and gently lubricate all sores. This should dry them out and relieve pain. You can buy such a solution at a regular pharmacy. The application technology is quite simple: treat the wounds two to three times a day until the very moment of healing.

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Step 2

You can also use boric acid for treatment. After all, this substance acts as a natural antiseptic, kills bacteria and speeds up the healing process. Use boric acid applications once or twice a day.

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what medications to take for itching in dogs

Step 3

To help relieve your dog's allergy symptoms, be sure to create an environment for the animal. Since clean fresh air is essential for a sick animal, install an air purifier and humidifier at home. In addition, keep the room in order - there should be minimal dust or no dust at all. Otherwise, all dust mites will further aggravate your pet's suffering.

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Step 4

Give your dog immune-boosting drugs. These can be various immunomodulators and other supportive agents. It is best if a professional, a veterinarian, writes a prescription for them.

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Step 5

In some cases, antihistamines are used to treat dermatitis. Their task is to relieve itching and burning. However, according to the observations of specialists, such allergy remedies help only 15% of sick dogs.

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Step 6

Do not forget to choose specialized cosmetics for your pet as well. Shampoos should be mild with antifungal and antibacterial properties. All of this is also aimed at reducing sores and at reducing itching in the skin of the animal.
