What To Do If A Kitten Has Bloody Feces

What To Do If A Kitten Has Bloody Feces
What To Do If A Kitten Has Bloody Feces

The owner of a kitten can be shocked by the appearance of blood in the excrement of his little pet. There is no need to panic, because often the causes of bleeding are not very serious and, provided that the treatment is prescribed correctly, they are quickly eliminated.

What to do if a kitten has bloody feces
What to do if a kitten has bloody feces

Have a kitten appeared in your house? This is real happiness, because he is so small, touching and defenseless. Unfortunately, a kitten is even more susceptible to various infections and diseases than an adult animal. One of the most striking signs of many of these is the presence of blood in the kitten's stool.

What are the causes of bloody feces in a kitten?

It is possible that a small amount of blood in the tray after a kitten's bowel movement is just a consequence of constipation. It is not uncommon for kittens in a new home to have a stool delay due to a new diet. Reconsider the kitten's nutrition, and the constipation will pass, then the blood in the feces will no longer appear.


However, a kitten's feces with blood may indicate quite serious problems. First of all, it can be a symptom of a worm infestation or food allergy. Also, blood in the tray may appear due to cancer of the animal's intestines, polyps or obstruction. No less serious bleeding resulting from infection or poisoning with various poisons.

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Also, the lower intestines of the kitten can be damaged by something that he swallowed - for example, bone. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility that the perianal region of the kitten is injured - for example, he could hit or he could be bitten by another animal.

What if there is blood in the kitten's stool?

If there is a lot of blood or the owner of the kitten notices it for the first time in the animal's excrement, you should definitely contact your veterinarian. Consultation with a specialist cannot be avoided even if the kitten is clearly having difficulty defecating, if blood in the stool is accompanied by diarrhea and / or vomiting, and if the kitten looks clearly unhealthy.

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The veterinarian will take all the necessary tests from the kitten - blood, urine, feces for parasites, and, if necessary, will examine the animal's rectum. In addition, he will ask the owner of the kitten in detail about the lifestyle and diet of his pet. Based on the results of examination and analysis, the animal will be diagnosed and treated. This can be following a diet, taking anthelmintic drugs, antibiotics, or increasing the amount of fluid in the pet's diet.

If you notice bloody stools in your kitten, take a sample for analysis. This will help to diagnose and prescribe treatment as soon as possible. In most cases, it is not difficult, and after a few days the kitten will be healthy, cheerful and cheerful again.