How To Numb A Dog

How To Numb A Dog
How To Numb A Dog

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Unfortunately, animals, like people, sometimes get sick. They may need treatment, surgery, and pain relief. But what suits a person may not benefit the dog, or even harm it altogether. Therefore, pain relievers for a pet must be carefully selected, calculating the required dosage.

How to numb a dog
How to numb a dog


Step 1

Give the dog half a pentalgin tablet for twenty to thirty kilograms of the animal's weight. After cutting off the required amount from the tablet, feed it with a treat. You can also dissolve the tablet in a little water and pour it into the dog's mouth through a syringe without a needle.

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Step 2

The strength of the analgesic effect of the ketanes preparation is comparable to that of morphine. It should be injected intramuscularly at the rate of one ampoule per forty to fifty kilograms. The analgesic effect appears in half an hour or an hour, the maximum effect is achieved within one and a half to two hours. Owners who plan to introduce ketans to their dog should be aware that it has a side effect on the stomach, so it should only be taken as a last resort.

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Step 3

Baralgin is also suitable as an anesthetic for a dog. An animal weighing forty kilograms should be injected with three cubes.

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Step 4

Travmatin is a veterinary drug that, in addition to pain relief, also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Dogs of large and medium breeds should be given two to four milliliters, dogs of small breeds and puppies half to two milliliters of medicine. Injections are given subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

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Step 5

Use rimadil. One tablet contains 20 milligrams and is designed for 5 kilograms of weight.

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Step 6

If your animal requires local anesthesia, spray the affected area with lidocaine spray.

Step 7

If the assortment of your first-aid kit is not rich, and there are no working pharmacies nearby, ordinary analgin is also suitable for anesthetizing a dog as a last resort.
