Wild Animals

Why Does The Dog Have A Burp

Why Does The Dog Have A Burp

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

If a person has the ability to control the release of gas from the stomach, then in animals it is absent. Frequent loud belching in your dog is not an indicator of his bad manners, but a signal for the owner, who should pay attention to the health of the animal and its diet

How To Treat Herpes In A Cat

How To Treat Herpes In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Feline herpes is an acute infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. If an animal develops symptoms of herpes, it needs to be treated urgently to avoid serious health complications. Signs of herpes Usually the viral pathogen of herpes is located on the mucous membrane of the tonsils and nasopharynx, but sometimes it can focus on the tongue or conjunctiva

How To Collect Urine From A Dog

How To Collect Urine From A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Unfortunately, dogs, like all other living things, are not immune from various diseases. To diagnose a four-legged friend, a veterinarian, as a rule, prescribes not only blood sampling, but also a urine test. For most dog owners, this task may seem overwhelming

What Does A Dry Nose "signal" In A Dog?

What Does A Dry Nose "signal" In A Dog?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is believed that the main indicator of a dog's well-being is the animal's nose. When a dog pokes your hand with a cold, wet nose, there is no cause for concern, but if the organ of smell is dry and warm, you should start to worry. In fact, this is not entirely true

What Drugs Are Needed For A Cold For A Dog

What Drugs Are Needed For A Cold For A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

With the onset of cold weather, the dog can get a cold. The symptoms of this disease are the same as in humans: cough, runny nose and feeling unwell. The dog may have a fever and refuse to eat. Instructions Step 1 Colds in dogs are caused by an adenovirus infection

How Rabies Is Transmitted In Cats

How Rabies Is Transmitted In Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rabies is considered the most dangerous disease in all warm-blooded animals. Wild or domestic, living permanently in an apartment or in the wild - no one is immune from this virus. When having a cat, many owners ignore the annual vaccination

How To Treat Otitis Media In A Cat

How To Treat Otitis Media In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Otitis media refers to inflammation of the outer, middle or inner ear. How to treat this disease depends on which part is inflamed and to what extent. Your veterinarian can determine this. Otitis reasons Otitis media in cats can occur for several reasons

Why Castration Is Dangerous For A Cat

Why Castration Is Dangerous For A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Castration of cats is a necessary surgical operation, which is often placed in conditions by breeders of expensive breeds. Neutered cats do not mark their territory, do not run away from home in spring, in addition, they have a long life expectancy

How Does The Castration Of A Cat Take Place?

How Does The Castration Of A Cat Take Place?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The little kitten soon turns into an adult. His needs begin to grow, all instincts awaken. The cat begins to ask for the cat, marks the territory and in every possible way worries the owners. When to castrate About 9-10 months after birth, cats can be castrated

How To Treat Piglets

How To Treat Piglets

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Piglets have weak immunity and are susceptible to various ailments. So that they grow strong, healthy, develop well, do not get sick, they should be well looked after. Treatment for bowel disorders Suckers may develop dyspepsia for up to a month

How To Treat Bronchitis In Dogs

How To Treat Bronchitis In Dogs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Bronchitis in dogs is an inflammation of the mucous membrane as well as the submucosa of the bronchi. This is a rather serious disease that significantly affects the physical form and well-being of the animal and can lead to various complications

Should You Neuter Your Cat?

Should You Neuter Your Cat?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Small fluffy glomeruli grow and quickly become full-fledged successors of the genus already in the first years of life. During puberty, cats meow loudly and unpleasantly, and cats mark their territory. The character from kind and docile becomes playful, and sometimes aggression may appear

What To Do If Your Dog Develops Dandruff

What To Do If Your Dog Develops Dandruff

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dandruff can occur not only in humans, but also in animals. Dogs are no exception in this regard, since they have almost no sweat glands, and skin regeneration is ongoing. But in a healthy dog this is practically not noticeable, but if the process of skin dying off began to occur faster, the entire undercoat is literally covered with white scales, this is dandruff

How To Deal With Chicken Lice?

How To Deal With Chicken Lice?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

All kinds of lice and fleas parasitize all types of animals, including birds. Imagine what torments geese and ducks, rooks and starlings have to endure during long spring and autumn flights! Domestic chickens are also susceptible to infestation by these insects

How To Stop Lactating In A Cat

How To Stop Lactating In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

After the kittens adapt to life and teach them basic skills, the time comes for separation from the mother. For a cat, this is a serious stress and a threat to the formation of lactostasis, since milk does not always disappear with weaning of pups

How To Deal With Dachshund Allergies

How To Deal With Dachshund Allergies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Dachshund dogs themselves are very allergens. Most often, they are allergic to chicken and pork meat, to canine canned food with this meat, to fatty fish, to economy class food, to red vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, sometimes carrots), to dairy products, and, of course, for sweets

How To Get Rid Of An Ear Mite

How To Get Rid Of An Ear Mite

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Otodectosis, or ear mites, occurs in carnivores and is never transmitted to humans. The first symptoms of ear scabies are anxiety of the animal, severe scratching of the auricle and dark crusts inside the ear. At the first signs of illness, it is necessary to undergo an immediate examination in a veterinary clinic and begin a long course of therapy

How To Treat A Cow's Stomach Upset

How To Treat A Cow's Stomach Upset

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

What is a cow? This is, first of all, a mini-factory for the processing of roughage into meat and milk. Its digestive system is very complex, the gastrointestinal tract is "populated" with a unique microflora, which is engaged in the transformation of feed into useful products for humans

How To Treat A Cat's Liver

How To Treat A Cat's Liver

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The liver has hundreds of different functions in the cat's body. It protects against the effects of toxins, removing them from the animal's body, and produces biologically active substances. Often, the liver is disrupted by an attack by bacteria and viruses

How To Care For A Cat After Castration

How To Care For A Cat After Castration

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Usually cats tolerate castration easily and do not require special care if the operation was not accompanied by complications. The veterinarian can give general advice immediately after the operation when handing over the animal to the owner, making sure that the heart of the operated person is working properly

Should You Euthanize A Sick Dog?

Should You Euthanize A Sick Dog?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

To dogs living in families, their owners treat them like people, not only feed and care for them, but also love them with all their hearts. But when the animal begins to get very sick and this disease causes him intolerable torment, people must decide whether to use euthanasia and put the sick dog to sleep

What To Do If Your Cat Is Sick

What To Do If Your Cat Is Sick

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Nausea and vomiting are common in cats. It can occur if the animal eats quickly and in large quantities, due to the ingestion of wool and various herbs, during pregnancy and when traveling in transport. If your pet is vomiting after every meal and after that the pet looks unhealthy, you need to urgently look for the cause of the problem

What To Do If Your Dog Has Leg Pain

What To Do If Your Dog Has Leg Pain

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Animals, like people, get sick from time to time. It is most reasonable to consult a veterinarian at the first sign of malaise, who can conduct an examination and prescribe the correct treatment. If this is not possible, you can try to help the dog yourself

How To Collect Urine From A Cat

How To Collect Urine From A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Sometimes cats also need qualified medical attention. In some cases, tests may be required. Collecting urine is usually difficult for hosts. Can you solve the problem in different ways? depending on where the pet is trained to go to the toilet

Diseases Of Turkey Poults And Their Treatment

Diseases Of Turkey Poults And Their Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In order to grow large and healthy turkeys, it is necessary to treat the chicks in a timely manner. Usually diseases are caused by improper care and feeding. For prevention and treatment, drugs such as "Furazolidone", "Lautetsin"

How To Cure A Cat

How To Cure A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Every cat owner should know the most common symptoms of feline diseases and a few rules for a cat "first aid". It is necessary Cat first aid kit. Probiotics. Vitamins and supplements (such as sulfur). Immunostimulant (as recommended by a veterinarian)

How To Castrate Boars

How To Castrate Boars

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is customary to castrate young animals intended for meat, as well as boars that are no longer used in breeding, before being fed. Instructions Step 1 Piglets are castrated at 2-4 months of age. Later castration threatens complications in the form of an inguinal hernia, as well as a delay in weight gain

What Are The Symptoms Of A Stroke In A Cat?

What Are The Symptoms Of A Stroke In A Cat?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Most diseases in cats manifest in the same form as in humans. The main problem of diagnostics is that they do not have the opportunity to tell about the pains or ailments that arise. An attentive owner always monitors the behavior of his pet and immediately recognizes the slightest symptoms of possible diseases

Are Cats Vaccinated Against Toxoplasmosis?

Are Cats Vaccinated Against Toxoplasmosis?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Pets, including cats, become close and beloved creatures for people, almost family members. The owners really want to protect their pets from various dangers, including diseases. One of the diseases that cats are prone to is toxoplasmosis

How To Give Birth To A Yorkie

How To Give Birth To A Yorkie

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

To give birth to a Yorkie, you should approach the matter responsibly, with great care and accuracy. It is very important not to interfere with the expectant mother and provide her with timely assistance. Instructions Step 1 Take your Yorkshire Terrier to your veterinarian well in advance to check for possible abnormalities in your pregnancy

How Is Mastitis In Cats Treated?

How Is Mastitis In Cats Treated?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Mastitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the breast. Not only women, but also lactating cats face it. There are several reasons for the occurrence of mastitis. This breast disease can affect the health of both the cat and her kittens

How To Treat Enteritis In A Dog

How To Treat Enteritis In A Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Enteritis is a dangerous disease caused by parvovirus, which is highly resistant to physical and chemical influences. It was first discovered only in 1978, but has now spread almost all over the world, affecting mainly puppies and young dogs

How To Treat Conjunctivitis In A Cat

How To Treat Conjunctivitis In A Cat

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cats quite often suffer from conjunctivitis or, in a simple way, eye inflammation. If the animal begins to blink frequently, rub its muzzle with its paws, shake its head and constantly squint, you should be alert. Conjunctivitis is a real health hazard for your pet, so your vet visit should be done as soon as possible

What Vaccinations Are Given To Kittens

What Vaccinations Are Given To Kittens

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A kitten has appeared in your house, still quite small. It is very important to take care of him correctly, to feed him with the most useful food for him. You should also make sure that your pet gets all the necessary vaccinations on time. The kitten should be vaccinated so that its body becomes stronger and can subsequently fight viruses on its own

Rabbit Care, Non-infectious Diseases And Their Treatment

Rabbit Care, Non-infectious Diseases And Their Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Rabbits are not particularly picky animals, but sometimes caring for them may not be enough. Errors in the selection of food, subtle holes in the cage, cold, uncomfortable floor can lead to animal disease. Diseases of rabbits like myxomatosis, eimeriosis are not so easy to cure

How To Give Medications To Cats And Cats

How To Give Medications To Cats And Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cat and cat owners sometimes have to puzzle over how to give them medicine and at the same time protect the animal from serious stress, and themselves from a lot of bites and scratches. But this is quite possible if you approach the process correctly

Veterinary Clinic: Choosing The Best

Veterinary Clinic: Choosing The Best

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The veterinary clinic is chosen not only when the animal needs urgent treatment: it is in this institution that the pet will be vaccinated and it is there that you can go for castration, sterilization of your pet and other procedures. The best option is to choose a reliable clinic once and use the services of its specialists regularly

How To Get Rid Of Fleas From Your Dog

How To Get Rid Of Fleas From Your Dog

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

One of the most common problems that dog owners have to deal with is flea infestation. Keep in mind that flea bites can cause an allergic reaction in your pet, and scratching the bitten area can lead to infection. How can you save your dog from such a "

How To Cure An Unvaccinated Cat For Panleukopenia

How To Cure An Unvaccinated Cat For Panleukopenia

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

It is believed that if the cat does not leave the house, then it does not need to be vaccinated. This is not true. The risk of catching the virus from the animal is in this case too. However, don't panic. You can get rid of parvovirus enteritis (panleukopenia) even with an unvaccinated cat, the main thing is to seek medical help in time

How To Cure An Animal Of Allergies

How To Cure An Animal Of Allergies

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Allergy is the body's reaction to an allergen. In the modern world, animal allergies are not less common than in humans. One third of animals suffer from allergies. Often in animals, the following substances cause an allergic reaction: