What To Do If Your Dog Has Vomiting And Diarrhea

What To Do If Your Dog Has Vomiting And Diarrhea
What To Do If Your Dog Has Vomiting And Diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea in a dog occur for all sorts of reasons. Most often, there is nothing to worry about, the pet's well-being stabilizes itself. However, sometimes the position of the dog requires the attention of a specialist and medical attention.

How to help a dog with diarrhea and vomiting
How to help a dog with diarrhea and vomiting

It is unpleasant when a pet is sick, especially a dog. It so happens that the dog does not greet the owners from work with cheerful barking. A dejected look, a full litter box and untouched food literally scream that the dog is not feeling well. Vomiting and diarrhea in dogs are common problems for dog owners.

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What to do when your dog is vomiting

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If the dog has vomited repeatedly, the owner should try to stop the vomiting on his own. You can give the animal activated charcoal and inject an antispasmodic drug that stops the urge to vomit. Cerucal and no-shpa will help stop vomiting, provided that they are injected intramuscularly.

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how to treat diarrhea from a dog

Vomiting happens for a variety of reasons. Sometimes you shouldn't worry, but often the situation requires medical attention. If your dog finishes his lunch too quickly or ate too much food, he is likely to vomit. You should not be afraid in this case. Most likely, the dog will no longer vomit.


If you have swallowed household chemicals, poisons, garbage or spoiled food, you should think about poisoning here. Ideally, call your veterinarian for a gastric lavage. Only a doctor can say with great certainty that the dog's stomach is free of poisons. Before the arrival of the doctor, the dog can only be given water, there is no need to offer food.

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Sometimes vomiting indicates that the dog is sick. It can be both cancer and diabetes. The animal is likely to have kidney problems or an infection. This situation requires immediate consultation with a veterinarian. The doctor will provide emergency medical care and, if treatment is needed, it will be prescribed. You will not be able to cope with the problem on your own.

What to do when your dog has diarrhea

Diarrhea is provoked by a variety of reasons. The owner's task is to identify them by concomitant signs and eliminate them. Remember that a dog suffering from diarrhea for more than three days needs to be urgently taken to the veterinarian!

When discharge from the nose and mouth occurs along with diarrhea, the owner should seek qualified help. The clinical picture resembles the plague, from which the animal is likely to die. Do not hesitate, take the dog to the clinic.

Diarrhea in combination with refusal to feed and vomiting indicates poor quality food, the presence of worms. Check what you are feeding your dog, change food if necessary. Tests for worms can be taken at any veterinary clinic.

Diarrhea with general lethargy is a consequence of poisoning. It usually ends within a couple of days. If on the third day the dog's health has not improved, we can talk about the presence of an infectious disease.

High temperature with diarrhea cannot be ignored at all. This is a symptom of a viral disease that requires immediate veterinary attention.
