It so happens that the dog constantly whines and annoys the owner. An attentive and patient owner should try to convince his pet that it is not worth whining about and without reason.

Step 1
Begin to wean the dog from whining from longing for his beloved owner, who is, for example, only in the forbidden territory for the pet (in the bedroom, toilet, bathroom) since puppyhood.

Step 2
Close the puppy for a few minutes in any of the "allowed" rooms and pretend to be gone. If the puppy begins to whine and scratch the door, go back and gently slap the dog as punishment or shake gently by lifting it by the scruff. If the puppy whines a little and calms down, come back and give him a compliment with a tasty morsel.

Step 3
Repeat this procedure continuously, gradually increasing the time the puppy will be locked indoors. In no case do not return and do not calm him down every time you hear that the pet whined again. The dog is only waiting for this, and next time even a tidbit will not help you.

Step 4
In parallel with this, from time to time, command the dog: "Place", having indicated to it before this exactly where it should sit or lie, waiting for the return of the owner. Gradually increase the time the puppy will have to spend at the location you specify. Even if, in the end, he breaks down and starts walking around the room, it’s not a problem. The main thing is that he does not whine during this.

Step 5
If your dog is constantly running after you and whining, ignore him, especially if you are busy at the moment. Maintain your status as the owner and only communicate with the dog when you can afford it, and not at any time the dog wishes.

Step 6
While walking, play with her, do the basics of training. It is necessary that the dog constantly receives the necessary physical activity. When you return home, point her to the place and say the command. If the animal starts to whine again, next time try to increase the time of the walk, engage in more active games with it.