Quite often, owners of purebred dogs are faced with an unpleasant problem - the wrong bite. This disadvantage leads to the fact that the dog cannot participate in exhibitions and competitions, and future puppies will not receive documents. How to deal with the problem?

Step 1
About a month after your puppy is born, show it to your orthodontist and determine if there is any malocclusion. The younger the animal is, the easier it is to correct the deficiency. In the future, the inspection must be repeated at least once a year.
Step 2
To avoid problems with bite, do not give puppies as toys various rubber bones, toffee and other similar items. It is these things that cause disruption of the development of teeth, especially in dwarf dogs.
Step 3
If you notice a lack in the structure of teeth and bite in a dog, immediately decide whether your pet will participate in exhibitions and whether you want to sell purebred puppies. If a show career is not expected, you can leave everything as it is. A minor drawback, as a rule, does not prevent the animal from eating well, and the treatment is extremely unpleasant and expensive. Often the problem is hereditary, so your dog will not be involved in breeding anyway.
Step 4
If you decide to start treating your dog, see your veterinarian orthodontist. In each case, the treatment is selected individually.
Step 5
The method of treatment can be the installation of special orthodontic plates. Ask your veterinarian how best to feed your pet while wearing them and how long they shouldn't be taken off. The plates will cause pain and discomfort to the dog; during treatment, treat your pet as affectionate and friendly as possible. The doctor may also recommend jaw massage. This method delivers much less unpleasant sensations, but its effectiveness is also lower. The food during the treatment should be rich in phosphorus and calcium, which will strengthen the teeth. Once the plates have been removed, no expert can determine that your animal has a bite problem.
Step 6
To avoid the appearance of violations, remove milk teeth in a timely manner. It is best to do this in the clinic, but you can also call the veterinarian at home.