How To Care For A Giant Rabbit

How To Care For A Giant Rabbit
How To Care For A Giant Rabbit

Table of contents:


The name of the breed "giant rabbits" speaks for itself. These beautiful representatives of the fauna are the big brothers of all the famous little eared furry. There are more than a dozen breeds of long-eared giants.

Caring for these handsome men is not difficult.

How to care for a giant rabbit
How to care for a giant rabbit


Step 1

Keep your pet in a spacious cage. Do not forget that this is actually the giant of the rabbit world. To check if the cage is adequate for the size of the rabbit, observe it. If the giant can calmly stand up and make 2-3 jumps, then the size of the cage suits him.

rabbit grooming guide
rabbit grooming guide

Step 2

At the bottom, put straw, shavings, sawdust or a special compressed filler, up to 5 cm thick. If the bottom is mesh, then add B vitamins to the rabbit's diet, and also make sure that the pet does not freeze its paws.

how many times a day to feed rabbits with willow branches
how many times a day to feed rabbits with willow branches

Step 3

The rabbit's dwelling must be kept clean. Use a scraper, brush, spatula and other equipment. Disinfect the cage at least 2 times a year. To do this, use a variety of cleaners available from your veterinary pharmacy. To reduce the amount of dirt in the cage, train your rabbit to the litter box (use metal trays up to 10cm high). After a few days of observation, place the toilet in whatever corner your pet chooses. As a rule, there are no problems with this.

rabbit walking
rabbit walking

Step 4

It is better to choose a ceramic bowl for food, and a drip drinker. Nutrition should be balanced and varied.

Feed the giant fresh food. The diet includes: vegetables and fruits, especially carrots, apples, beets, boiled potatoes and, of course, cabbage. You can feed any species (except red), but do not overfeed, as this can be fatal. Fresh grass (dandelion, wormwood, plantain, burdock) and twigs with leaves are a must-have vitamin supplement. In the summer - branches of birch, mountain ash, acacia, willow, and in winter - hay (should be constant and in unlimited quantities) and coniferous pine legs.

do-it-yourself rabbits drinker
do-it-yourself rabbits drinker

Step 5

Contraindicated: foxglove, dope, henbane, euphorbia, lily of the valley, as well as sour, spicy and salty foods. Beans with rhubarb should not be given. There must always be water in the cage!

Step 6

Rabbits need to grind their teeth, so put a piece of wood in the cage (preferably fruit trees). Eternally green trees are poisonous.

Step 7

Trim your rabbit's nails regularly. Get vaccinated against myxomatosis, viral hemorrhagic disease, pastrillosis. When walking your rabbit (around the house and on the street), do not forget about the leash. And remember, the main thing in caring is attention, love and care.
