How Long Do Spiders Live

How Long Do Spiders Live
How Long Do Spiders Live

Some courageous people, wanting to have a pet that does not require special care and daily walking, choose spiders. To determine the most suitable pet for you, before buying, consult with an arachnologist, because the lifespan of spider breeds is different, and in some species it is minimal.

How long do spiders live
How long do spiders live

Spiders' lifespan in captivity

The requirements for keeping spiders at home are minimal. It is enough to feed the animals 1-3 times a month, water them, and keep them clean. Comfortable temperature for most species is 23-28 C, humidity 70-80%. In addition, they need to provide adequate ventilation.

The lifespan of most captive spider species has not yet been established, as there is no extensive practical experience in this area. But general trends are such that spiders living in and under human control live longer than their natural habitat. In addition, they are less aggressive at home. It is also a recognized fact that the female lives longer than the male of the same species, which after the last molt dies within a maximum of 1 year, for the female there are no such restrictions.

Tarantula spiders are a popular pet as a pet. They are considered centenarians among their relatives. So, the female, which was caught in Mexico City in 1935, lived for 28 years.

The lifespan of some spiders in captivity:

Brachypelma albopilosum or white-haired tarantula spider, originally from South America, is distinguished by its slowness, lack of aggressiveness. The lifespan of males is about 3 years, of females about 12 years.

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) are a short-lived species. They live in captivity for no more than a year, but their maintenance does not cause any difficulties, and it is a pleasure to observe their behavior (especially during the mating season).

The life span of orb weaving spiders, with proper care in captivity, can slightly exceed 2 years.

The Mexican red-knee tarantula spider attracts breeders with its large size, bright color, and calm disposition. The lifespan is about 30 years.

Spiders in the wild

More than 42,000 species of spiders are known today. They live in various regions, but they are more common in areas with a warm and humid climate.

It is known that large spiders, inhabitants of desert-shrub areas, are prone to slow growth and long life expectancy. Spiders, on the other hand, are native to tropical rain forests, but grow rapidly, but do not live long. In most cases, they do not live for more than 12 months.

Spider-web spider is a thorny or horned spider (Gasteracantha cancriformi). The male dies 6-7 days after fertilization of the female, if it does not become her lunch before. The female dies after laying eggs. Thus, the lifespan of this species is not long at all: in males - up to 3 months, in females - up to 1 year.

The life span of one of the most dangerous spiders in the world - the black widow: females - about 5 years, males - less.

The Mexican red-knee tarantula spider lives for about 30 years.

Curly-haired tarantula spider - about 20 years old.

The goliath tarantula is one of the largest representatives of the arachnids. The male's lifespan is on average 9 years, 14 years for the female.

Petsilotheria regalis is another species of tarantula; males live for 5 years, females for about 9 years.

Tarantulas in wildlife live up to thirty years.
