Many people lack warmth, affection, care. To cope with loneliness, they make four-legged friends who patiently wait for your return home, caress and ask you to play with them. So in a matter of minutes, you can forget about all the problems and difficulties of the day lived. These feelings must be reciprocated. So that your dog does not freeze in winter, it is worth making a jacket for him.

Step 1
Today the number of dog breeds is huge. Anyone can purchase a long-legged dog, a fluffy lapdog, a dachshund, a Chihuahua, etc. Before you sit down at the sewing machine, find a suitable pattern for your jacket, because all dogs differ in shape and body proportions.

Step 2
It's actually pretty simple to make a pattern. To do this, stock up in advance with a centimeter with which you can measure the dog. In particular, pay attention to the distance from the base of the tail to the base of your dog's neck. To measure this length, place a collar on your dog as a reference point.

Step 3
After you have received a certain number in centimeters, divide it by 8. The final value will mean the length of the side of the square, which will be useful later. The fact is that the pattern must be applied to paper in a grid. In order to cope with this, take a large white sheet and outline it, break it into squares with sides 1/8 of the length of the dog's back. Transfer the selected pattern to it.

Step 4
After that, cut out the pattern and transfer it to the material for the future jacket. It is best to use two types of fabric: raincoat fabric for the top layer and flannel for the lining. Cut the workpiece again and sew with regular needles and thread. Use a sewing machine to improve the quality of your dog's clothing. Turn the jacket inside out, wash, iron.

Step 5
Now proceed with the fitting. Put the jacket on the dog and only now change the length of the legs. To make the jacket more comfortable, collect the elasticated trousers at the very bottom. So the dog will not get confused in his clothes, and the suit will not get dirty after every trip to the street. You just have to decorate your favorite pet's jacket with various applications, beads and rhinestones.