Your dog, your loyal and reliable friend, needs not only your love, but also protection, even if it is not a tiny toy terrier, but a huge dogue de bordeaux. Why should you protect your pet? From aggression from other dogs, from disease, from abduction, from heat in summer, from cold in winter, and from fleas and ticks in spring, and this is not a complete list. And if a veterinarian can help you avoid diseases and protect yourself from insects, then everything else will have to be controlled by yourself.

Step 1
How to protect your dog from aggression from other dogs? First of all, try to avoid such situations. If you are leading your pet on a leash and in a muzzle, and you see a stray dog or a dog approaching you, whose owner does not consider it necessary to control it, it is better to cross the street. dog in your arms. Even if you do not have a "pocket dog", it is quite possible that you will be able to lift and hold it for a while. Stand yourself in an aggressive stance, with your legs wide apart, imagine that you and your dog are very large and very strong and confidently command the approaching to the aggressor - “Stop!”, “Home!”, “Fu!” If aggressive dogs are not uncommon in the places where you walk, get special protective equipment. Buy deterrent spray or dog stun gun from the pet store. Be prepared to apply them.
Step 2
How to protect a dog from abduction This is a dog friend and faithful companion for you, but for someone it is just a source of profit. Keep your pet in sight as you release it from the leash. Do not leave one in the summer cottage and do not lock in the car. There are people who want a dog like yours, but they can't afford it and not all of these people are honest. Attach a “patron” to the dog's collar with a note that reads something like “This dog needs expensive daily treatment. If you find her, please call the owners and save her life. If someone stole your dog out of love for this breed and the dire financial situation, he may think about the truth of these words, regret and return the dog.
Step 3
How to protect your dog from the heat? In the summer, be especially careful to ensure that your pet's bowl is full of clean fresh water. If the dog is outside most of the day, check to see if he has a shelter in the shade. Does the leash reach? Is there enough shade? On particularly hot days, spray your dog with water several times a day. will be absorbed. Dogs also have skin cancer, so you don't have to shave your bald dog to help it endure the heat. Your dog's fur protects it from sunburn and insects. It is best to brush your dog regularly to remove excess hair.
Step 4
How to Protect Your Dog in Winter In winter, our pets suffer from cold and dry skin as much as we do. But, if we guess to dress up a freezing dog, then we do not always manage to find out that the dog suffers from dry and irritated skin.
During the cold season, wash your dog as little as possible. Bathing too often can strip the fur of the natural oils that protect the coat and skin. Brush out even short-haired dogs as often as possible. Brushing helps to get rid of dead skin cells and stimulates the production of sebum. Be sure to wash your dog's paws when you come from the street. In winter, the streets are sprinkled with salt and chemicals that can damage the pads of the paws, in addition, the dog can lick its paws and absorb these harmful substances.
Step 5
How to Protect Your Dog from Household Hazards Dogs can sometimes behave like small children, so the rules for living safely with small children also apply to pets. Keep chemicals and medication away. Do not leave small objects on the floor that can be swallowed and damage the intestines. Watch your jewelry carefully. A tiny earring, if swallowed, can kill a large dog Do not leave chocolate and tasty fatty foods unattended. If the latter is dangerous only with regular abuse, then the dog can be seriously poisoned with chocolate. Hide the wires from household appliances under the baseboards. Make sure that toxic plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, lilies and poinsettia are out of reach of the dog.
Step 6
Take your pet to the vet once a season to carry out all preventive procedures on time.