Wild Animals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many people have turtles and turtles in their homes. With careful care, these amazing reptiles can live up to 50 years at home! Often turtles come to us as adults, so it is very important to find out - how old is your pet? Instructions Step 1 In nature, the age of land turtles is determined by the weight and length of the shell
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Land turtles are a fairly popular type of pets among Russian animal owners, which is still considered quite exotic. In our country, only a few species of turtles are widespread, so only a few animal lovers know that there are about 40 species around the world with different lifespans
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Guinea pigs are very easy to keep pets. They are calm, practically do not shed, quickly get used to the owner. Guinea pigs are very popular with children, they are so pleasant to hold in their hands! There are several breeds of these rodents, they are different in nature and in terms of care
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Guinea pigs are popular pets. They are smart enough, they can recognize the owner, they will sit in their arms with pleasure and allow themselves to be stroked. At the same time, the animals are quite small and are content with the cage. Another plus - pigs live for a long time, almost like a cat or a dog
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The increasing number of lice on chickens poses a serious threat to their health and life. The use of a number of medicines and folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of poultry will help get rid of parasites. Danger of parasite infestation in poultry The appearance of blood-sucking parasites in chickens immediately affects not only the egg-laying ability of the bird, but also the quality of meat
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You can make good money with the help of your favorite pets. For example, if you have a purebred cat, you can start breeding kittens and selling them for a great income. Instructions Step 1 The correct decision would be to breed British, Russian blue, Persian, Siamese kittens, as well as Sphynxes and Maine Coons
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Usually, a guinea pig is kept as a pet in homes where children grow up. This is a fairly calm animal that does not harm its owners. Veterinarians recommend buying gilts at the age of four to six weeks - they have already received the necessary breast milk and can live on their own
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The health and growth of rabbits is directly dependent on the nutrition of the mother rabbit during their breastfeeding. If the animal did not receive something, then this will soon affect its offspring. Three-week-old rabbits are ready to feed with their mother, but they still cannot do without her milk
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Rabbit breeding is a rewarding and exciting activity. Everyone knows that any creature must be looked after and taken care of. Rabbit care is not difficult at all. The main thing is to observe several basic rules: cleanliness in the cage, abundance in nutrition and animal health
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You bought a rabbit and, of course, immediately got everything you need for a new tenant. The bunny feels great in the new cage, eats with appetite, but does not go to the drinker, preferring to use a bowl. The task is to teach the baby to drink from the drinking bowl
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Rabbits are adorable pets that need the care of their owner. In the summer, when rabbits are released into specially built open-air cages and bring them greens from the forest and garden, it is important to carefully look after the pet's diet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles. They are common in almost all continents of the world. The only exception is Antarctica. In total, there are over 3000 species of snakes on the planet. There are not so many of them in Russia - only about 90 species, but among them there are both poisonous and completely harmless to humans
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Rabbit nutrition has two characteristics. First, they need to be given a lot of tough food, because these animals belong to the rodent family, they must grind their teeth. Secondly, they eat a lot, because are quite mobile. And in their cage there must always be food
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Decorative rabbits are very cute and funny pets that have become quite common in the homes of Russian animal lovers in recent years. It is a mistake to believe that their diet is limited only to carrots and cabbage, since a variety of feeds are produced specifically for rabbits
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The decorative rabbit is a very gentle animal, which, in addition to constant care, also requires special balanced nutrition. For a rabbit to grow healthy and beautiful, it needs proper nutrition. The diet is built on the principle of a food pyramid
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Decorative rabbits are very cute fluffy animals that do not require particularly difficult care. The most important thing is to find the right food. What does a rabbit need for a complete and balanced diet? Instructions Step 1 Since the rabbit mainly eats food of plant origin, it needs quite a lot of food
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In captivity, hedgehogs are able to live much longer than in nature. Indeed, in the wild they have a sufficient number of predatory enemies, and sometimes there is not enough food for the full life support of their body. Of course, there are no such problems at home, but there are others
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A hedgehog as a pet can be found much less often than an ordinary dog or cat. The more significant event is the situation when the hedgehog brings offspring: after all, little hedgehogs look rather unusual. Newborn hedgehogs Newborn hedgehogs are born completely different from adults:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Gophers are funny and cute animals with a colonial lifestyle. Their habitat is quite extensive: from the most extreme point of the Arctic to southern latitudes. Description Gophers are small rodents that belong to the squirrel family
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Sometimes it is necessary to find out the age of a dog without having data on the origin and documents on hand. This is especially important when buying an animal for breeding activity, since by the age of 10, the ability to reproduce is significantly reduced
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Sterilization of a cat is a fairly serious abdominal operation, which is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period for most cats takes about a week. And during this period, it is important to provide the animal with good care and monitor the behavior of the pet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are animals in the world that benefit humans. For example, insects are nature's orderlies: they clean up dirt and the remains of dead animals. Wolves are orderlies of the forest, eating sick animals, and also acting as scavengers. And there are many such useful creatures for nature and man - just look around
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Literally everyone knows what a hedgehog looks like, and from childhood. This small thorny animal can often be found on the pages of children's books. However, in life, meeting with him is not uncommon. The hedgehog is a brave and adaptable animal
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are whole legends about the life of hedgehogs. For example, it is believed that the hedgehog is an excellent rodent catcher, but this is not entirely true. In captivity, he, of course, can hunt mice, but it will not be so easy for him to catch a dexterous and agile rodent
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many animal lovers decide to get themselves a hedgehog. Someone buys a pet from hands, someone from special nurseries, and some just find it in the forest and bring it home. Most often in houses you can find an ordinary, white-bellied or eared hedgehog
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Chinchilla is a great alternative to cat and dog. You don't need to walk with a chinchilla, and most of the time it spends in a cage. At the same time, it is a very funny and intelligent animal that can even learn some commands. Chinchilla Intelligence Despite the fact that most rodents are not very smart, the chinchilla is quite an intelligent animal
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The gerbil is a funny animal from the order of rodents, which may well become the same domestic animal as a dog or a cat. When choosing a name for a gerbil, there are no strict rules - such a cute animal can be called any, even the most unexpected, nickname
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Chinchillas are adorable rodents that were domesticated only in the second half of the 20th century. They were first brought to Russia in the 60s, and began to breed and sell babies in pet stores in the late 80s. Chinchillas have a unique, exceptionally dense fur and docile nature
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
So, your chinchilla has given offspring, and you need to find the puppies loving owners who will take care of them. Or you decided that you can no longer keep an adult animal - you move to another city, wait for the baby and understand that there will not be enough time for full care of the animal
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Decorative rabbits are touching and miniature creatures that are specially designed for keeping in an apartment. They are becoming more and more popular as pets. But not everyone knows how they differ from ordinary rabbits common in agriculture
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
It is very important that the young male, which is then going to be used as a stud dog, is specially trained for this job. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare especially carefully for the first two or three matings in his life, considering them precisely as training for a stud dog
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
If you keep rabbits for breeding or just make sure that the rabbits bring offspring of good quality and high vitality, the timing of mating should be monitored. Signs of hunting in rabbits Keep males and females separately. That is why it is very important not to miss the moment when the female is ready for fertilization and it is then to plant her with the male for mating
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cat hair needs constant grooming. Especially if you have a long haired cat. Persian and Siberian cats are sheared more often than others. However, in some cases it may be necessary to trim an animal of any breed. For example, if, due to poor care, tangles have formed on the coat
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Recently, very often in the form of a pet, people acquire dwarf rabbits. They are very smart, cute, and most importantly - affectionate creatures, the content of which brings pleasure not only to adults, but also to children. They are unpretentious in food, sociable and very quickly amenable to education
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You saw him in the store and immediately fell in love. Indeed, such a miracle as a small Dzungarian hamster cannot leave rodent lovers indifferent. You brought the cage home with the new inhabitant, began to selflessly look after him, but the baby absolutely does not want to contact you:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Procreation is a natural process of animals. Moreover, many of them give birth to offspring several times a year. Of course, wild animals, just like people, take care of their young, teach them how to find food and protect themselves from danger
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The decision to get a German shepherd has been made, soon you will hear the barking barking of a four-legged friend in your house. And now you are already in the nursery or on the market looking at fluffy lumps, not knowing who to choose. Instructions Step 1 See how the puppies behave
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The causes of diarrhea in kittens can be different. This often happens due to improper nutrition. Loose stools can be caused by a diet consisting only of heavy foods (meat, milk), or spiced foods. In addition, diarrhea can be a symptom caused by the presence of intestinal parasites (helminths, lamblia, etc
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The hamster is a tiny creature, but with ambition. Few people know that the Dzungarian hamster prefers to live alone, he does not need a partner. The animal alone feels protected in its own territory, does not experience unnecessary stress, which means that its life expectancy increases
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The life expectancy of Dzungarian hamsters is not so long and depends on the conditions of maintenance and care. This must be considered before purchasing an animal. In order for the animal to live happily ever after, the norms necessary for its existence should be observed