Babies living with a mother cat cannot eat on their own. But if they stay with their mother until the conscious age, she teaches them everything herself, and they imitate her, this is how the process of natural learning of adult life takes place. But what if you took a kitten, and he does not eat himself? Do not worry, it is easy to accustom him to food, the main thing is not to panic, even if he completely refuses to eat.

Step 1
For feeding, use a shallow bowl in which you need to put very little food, and even more so milk or other liquid. At first, feed the kitten soft foods, you can grind them in a meat grinder or blender.

Step 2
Poke your baby lightly into the food, he should feel a pleasant aroma and taste. You need to poke not with your nose, but with your lips. The kitten will want to eat and will start doing it on its own. Do not be afraid that he will die of hunger, these are isolated cases. Usually, a furry has a self-preservation instinct, and he begins to devour the offered food with pleasure.

Step 3
You need to accustom the kitten to dry food after the teeth are fully formed. Even the food for the smallest is designed for grown animals; a three-week-old kitten will not be able to bite through it. The exceptions are liquid foods that can be started to be fed to babies. Introduce it into the diet gradually, the daily rate should not exceed 1/3 of all food. Gradually increase the amount of cat food, and then simply transfer the animal to it completely.

Step 4
Enter dry food in the same way, but take into account the age of the baby. Do not try to feed an adult cat, the kitten may have indigestion. Make sure that there is always clean and fresh water in the bowl. See the daily allowance on the package, do not forget to take into account the age and weight of the animal. The calorie content of the product varies, so be guided by the manufacturer's instructions.