If you have got yourself a couple of parrots and want to start breeding them, you need to correctly establish the sex of the individuals intended for reproduction. Without this condition, your venture can fail miserably. There are several ways to identify a male parrot.

Step 1
Take a close look at the wax. This is a ridge at the top of the base of the beak. For budgies, wax is the main way to determine gender. In young parrots, wax beads are practically indistinguishable. With age, in males, it acquires a delicate lilac shade, while in females it becomes light blue. The older the parrot, the easier it will be to determine its gender.
Step 2
Pay attention to the color of the bird's eyes. In parrots of the cockatoo breed, the color difference is very noticeable. In males of this species, the iris of the eye is dark brown or black, while in females of cockatoo it is light brown.
Step 3
Take a close look at the appearance of the parrots. In red-tailed parrots and macaws, the male can be identified by a larger head and a powerful beak, which is wider at the base than in females. Parrots of the Corella breed have a yellow head, while females have a gray head. There is a characteristic pattern on the inner side of the females' wings. The tail in males is black, in females it is yellow and wider. Males have a large wide head with a large beak; the bare border around the eyes is slightly wider than that of females.
Step 4
Observe the behavior of your pets. This method is not used very often, although it is much more reliable than the previous one. Male budgies move actively, show off, explore everything that comes their way. Adult males of cockatiels are energetic, slender, in the presence of a female they often knock on the cage with their beak. Females are calmer and move less.
Step 5
Take the parrot in your hands. If feeling oppressed, the parrot behaves calmly - this is the male. If it begins to bite strongly and actively break out, the female.
Step 6
Pay attention to how your birds are sitting. The fact is that females have a wider pelvis. And when they calmly sit on the perch, their legs are spread much wider than those of the male.
Step 7
Take the lovebird parrot in your hands and place it with its back in the palm of your hand. Feel the pelvis with your middle and forefinger. If the pelvis is narrow, the male is; if the pelvis is wide, the female.
Step 8
Hear what sounds your parrot makes. Females can only scream loudly, and the male is able to reproduce long beautiful melodies.