Most experts believe that parrots tend to talk to people, since we make them sympathetic, and birds involuntarily react to our speech. The human voice provokes the pronunciation of words, regardless of whether the person is addressing a parrot or people are just talking to each other.
Step 1
A parrot should always be taught to talk by the same person who spends a lot of time with the bird and whom she trusts. It should also be a woman or a child, since parrots perceive high voices better.
Step 2
You should start training only when the bird is used to you and calmly sits on your hand. To help the bird begin to trust you even more, treat it very affectionately when training.
Step 3
During training, the room should be isolated from extraneous sounds. Therefore, turn off the TV, radio, close the windows. Parrots are very curious birds and in the process of learning can be distracted by various noises.
Step 4
Always teach at the same time in the morning and in the evening. The average lesson should be 15-20 minutes long.
Step 5
Start learning with simple words. Every day, preferably in the morning before feeding, pronounce in an even voice loudly and clearly a word, for example, the name of a parrot. It will be easier for your bird to remember a short word the first time. Therefore, first teach words that consist of two syllables. Parrots from vowel sounds best memorize "a" and "o", and from consonants "t", "p", "p", "k". The words you teach your parrot should be appropriate for the situation. For example, when entering a room, say: "hello", and if you leave - "bye." As a safety measure, teach the bird to say your phone number or address. This can help her return if she accidentally flies out an open window.
Step 6
Practice with the bird constantly to develop its abilities. Do not use expressions with a parrot that you do not want them to pronounce. A capable bird quickly learns all the words and pronounces them unmistakably.
Step 7
You can write down your activities and include them with the parrot. This will help the bird catch up on lost moments, as well as repeat the past. Just keep in mind that you need to be present in the room, otherwise the parrot will talk only when the room is empty.
Step 8
Do not cover the parrot cage with a blanket during lessons. The bird will not be able to concentrate and will most likely fall asleep.
Step 9
Do not scream or insult the bird if it fails. With constant practice, over time, you will succeed.