How Do I Understand That A Parrot Is Preparing For The Birth Of Cubs

How Do I Understand That A Parrot Is Preparing For The Birth Of Cubs
How Do I Understand That A Parrot Is Preparing For The Birth Of Cubs

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Representatives of many species of parrots, subject to proper care and successful selection of a partner, reproduce quite safely in captivity. In order for the appearance of eggs in the cage with the parrots in them not to come as a surprise to you, it is necessary to determine in time the imminent onset of the “birth” of the feathered pet.

How do I understand that a parrot is preparing for the birth of cubs
How do I understand that a parrot is preparing for the birth of cubs


Step 1

Parrots do not give birth to chicks. They, like most other birds, lay eggs, from which, after a while, small parrots appear on the set. The incubation period for chicks can range from 10 days to three weeks, depending on the type of parrot.

Step 2

It is possible to determine that a female parrot is preparing for laying by the behavior of the “mother-to-be”. During this period, the bird becomes aggressive, it constantly seeks solitude and does not allow the male or other pets in the cage or the owner to approach itself.

Step 3

Due to the fact that the eggs formed in the body of the female, from which the chicks will subsequently be born, occupy a rather significant space in her stomach, while squeezing the internal organs, the droppings come out in large heaps and have a sharp characteristic smell. Moreover, this happens much less often than in a normal setting. Often, the consistency of the droppings changes before laying. It becomes liquid and formless.

Step 4

A few hours before the "birth" you may notice swelling of the area located near the cloaca in your pet. This happens when the egg is getting ready to hatch. At the same time, the bird behaves extremely restlessly and tries to quickly get rid of the egg that is causing it serious discomfort. "Childbirth" of a parrot can be accompanied by the occurrence of severe pain in the female, spasms of the oviduct muscles and the release of a small amount of bloody discharge.

Step 5

If you notice that the female has left the house and sits at the bottom of the cage for a long time, ruffled, then most likely your pet cannot be carried away. You can help her with this. Very gently drip sunflower oil into the parrot's beak and cloaca. If after 2-3 hours the bird does not lay an egg, urgently call a veterinarian or take it to a specialized clinic. In case of difficult laying, the parrot can die within 2-4 days of the beginning of the "contractions".

Step 6

The reasons for the delay in laying can be: a lack of calcium in the body of a parrot, insufficient development of the muscles of the oviduct or an oversized egg size.

Step 7

The number of eggs in a clutch can be from 4 to 6 pieces. The hatching period for chicks lasts 2-3 weeks. It is possible to determine the number of fertilized eggs within 7-10 days after their birth. An egg containing a chick is dull gray or white with a small dark spot visible through the shell, the so-called embryonic node.
