How To Feed A Decorative Rabbit

How To Feed A Decorative Rabbit
How To Feed A Decorative Rabbit

Decorative rabbits are very cute and funny pets that have become quite common in the homes of Russian animal lovers in recent years. It is a mistake to believe that their diet is limited only to carrots and cabbage, since a variety of feeds are produced specifically for rabbits. So what can you feed your decorative rabbits?

How to feed a decorative rabbit
How to feed a decorative rabbit

Fundamental rules. What to feed the rabbits with?

how to feed decorative rabbits
how to feed decorative rabbits

Unfortunately, when buying this type of pets, you must take into account the fact that genetically decorative rabbits are more prone to digestive problems than their meat breeds. They can be triggered by inbreeding, hereditary diseases and the fact that animals still live in not entirely natural conditions.

If the owner really cares about his pet, he must very clearly understand what kind of food gives the rabbit only energy and calories, what kind of food provides good nutrition and health with the necessary vitamins and microelements, and what kind of food should be given to young or old animals.

For example, little rabbits cannot immediately eat "adult" food, first feeding on mother's milk, but only in the fourth week of life, consuming dry food specifically for young animals, including hay, vegetables and herbs.

Already at this age, rabbits need to be taught to eat twice a day.

It is also important to remember that only a few rabbits eat all their food at once. Therefore, if the food is not spoiled, it can be left in case the animal returns to the bowl. It is also best to purchase specialized feeds ("mixes" of ingredients) in sealed packages, and not by weight (does not apply to vegetables, herbs, cereals or compound feeds, which are usually sold only in crumbly form).

Rabbit products

how to feed domestic rabbits
how to feed domestic rabbits

Hay is an excellent type of food for rabbits, which are, in principle, nocturnal animals and like to "light up" hay at night. In addition, it is not high in calories, large in volume (the rabbit will not eat everything at once). Moreover, some breeders of decorative rabbits also note the fact that their pets prefer hay to all other products, ignoring even fresh vegetables.

Rabbits can digest greens only for 20-30 days of life, following the example of their mother. It is necessary to start complementary feeding with this product gradually, and not immediately, since many types of greens contain essential oils, to which the stomach gets used rather slowly. The consumption rate is as follows: approximately 150-180 grams of greens for decorative animals and 200-220 grams for lop-eared varieties and the so-called "lamb" rabbits. Especially large representatives of this species of animals, the volume of consumption can be increased to 500 grams per day. The following types of greens are suitable for feeding - dandelions, nettles, plantains, burdocks, dill, lettuce, meadow herbs and others.

What can not be fed to decorative rabbits? In no case should you include fresh bread in the diet of these animals (crackers, on the contrary, can be given), sour types of fruits (for example, apples of certain varieties), wheat and cucumbers.

Roots, vegetables and fruits are also suitable as food for ornamental rabbits. The rules for introducing them into the diet are similar to those adopted for greens. Most rabbits love carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, cabbage, spinach, celery and Jerusalem artichoke.
