How To Get Rid Of Lice In Chickens

How To Get Rid Of Lice In Chickens
How To Get Rid Of Lice In Chickens

The increasing number of lice on chickens poses a serious threat to their health and life. The use of a number of medicines and folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of poultry will help get rid of parasites.

How to get rid of lice in chickens
How to get rid of lice in chickens

Danger of parasite infestation in poultry

The appearance of blood-sucking parasites in chickens immediately affects not only the egg-laying ability of the bird, but also the quality of meat. If a relatively small population of lice lives on the chicken, then there may not be any visible deterioration in productivity, but if the number of parasites on the bird is large, many noticeable symptoms immediately appear. Symptoms of an obvious defeat of poultry by lice include a decrease in appetite, lack of activity, the appearance of damaged skin areas, etc. blood is often taken, often inflamed due to damage by pathogenic bacteria. A critical increase in the number of parasites can lead to the death of the bird.

how to help the birds
how to help the birds

Destruction of lice living on chickens

There are many folk remedies that are considered effective, but in fact, complete destruction of parasitic insects cannot be achieved with the help of them. Folk remedies can be an excellent preventive measure, but by no means the main medicine. In this case, it is important to choose the right veterinary drugs that will destroy the lice without harm to poultry. Most drugs are sold in ampoules containing a concentrated substance, as well as sprays. The list of drugs for chicken lice is quite wide. Effective means include: "Bars", "Neotomazan", "Front Line" and some others. When using chemicals, it is very important to read the instructions and not exceed the dosage. As a rule, lice preparations are applied to chickens pointwise: under the wings, on the sternum, back, under the scruff of the neck, on the legs. It is especially convenient to use preparations in sprays against chicken lice. The full course of treatment can take several weeks, during which time the birds will be treated from time to time.

lichen treatment in birds
lichen treatment in birds

Measures to prevent re-infection of poultry

Simply treating the birds may not be enough to completely remove the lice. The fact is that the eggs of the lice left on the litter and roost in the chicken coop are very resistant and can lead to re-infection of chickens. In order to destroy lice and their eggs, which may be in the chicken coop, a set of measures must be taken. First, you need to completely remove all the litter available in the chicken coop. Second, the perches and poles need to be cleaned. All inventory, as well as walls and floors in the chicken coop should be treated with Butox. Next, the walls must be whitewashed with lime. Add tansy, fragrant chamomile, wild rosemary, bitter wormwood, dry potato and tomato tops to the new litter. All these plants repel parasites. In addition, a container with wood ash displaced with gray and sand should be installed in the chicken coop. As a rule, chickens are happy to bathe in ash, thereby removing fat from their feathers. Bathing mix will provide additional protection against parasites.
