The hamster is a tiny creature, but with ambition. Few people know that the Dzungarian hamster prefers to live alone, he does not need a partner. The animal alone feels protected in its own territory, does not experience unnecessary stress, which means that its life expectancy increases.

Step 1
Many hamster owners make a big mistake when they keep several animals in the same room. Cohabitation for hamsters is a constant struggle, as nature implies. If you want your pet to be happy, keep him alone.

Step 2
There is one more rule for keeping a hamster - this is a spacious dwelling. Movement is the key to your pet's health. Dzungarian hamsters need a wheel. If your pet is constantly sitting still, then sooner or later it will fall ill, most often the cause of this is obesity. In nature, hamsters run several kilometers a night trying to find food for themselves.

Step 3
If for some reason the cage is too small, then a special walking ball for hamsters can help you out. In it, your pet can safely walk on the floor, so it will not get lost or hurt. Remember that the time for one walk should not be more than thirty minutes. After that, the hamster needs to be given a drink and a snack, to provide a well-deserved rest.

Step 4
In addition to the wheel, a special house, a drinking bowl and a feeder must be installed in the cage. It is necessary to give the hamster material for building a nest, for example, white napkins without a pattern. Cotton wool and different rags cannot be used, as they may entangle your pet's paws.
Step 5
It is undesirable to use sawdust or hay as a filler for the cell, it is better to purchase a special granular filler, it is safe, and you will get rid of the unwanted odor. From a branch of a fruit tree, such as a cherry, you need to make a special stick so that the hamster can grind its teeth. Do not forget to boil and dry the stick for disinfection.
Step 6
The easiest way to feed the hamster is with special mixtures, which is especially convenient for beginner lovers of jungariks. Fresh vegetables and fruits are another important element of the diet. At the same time, you need to know that cabbage, onions, garlic and citrus fruits should not be given to hamsters. In addition to carbohydrates and fiber, your dzhungarik also needs protein. He can get it from boiled meat, or even better - from chicken. Give your pet a small bite of this protein treat 2-3 times a week.
Step 7
If you are giving your hamster perishable food, do not leave leftover food in the feeder, otherwise the jungarik may be poisoned. Do not forget to regularly clean the hamster's cage, the health of your pet depends on the quality of hygiene.