How Does A Cat Behave After Spaying?

How Does A Cat Behave After Spaying?
How Does A Cat Behave After Spaying?

Sterilization of a cat is a fairly serious abdominal operation, which is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period for most cats takes about a week. And during this period, it is important to provide the animal with good care and monitor the behavior of the pet.

How does a cat behave after spaying?
How does a cat behave after spaying?

Postoperative cat behavior

The most difficult time for an animal is the day of sterilization, when the cat is just beginning to "move away" from general anesthesia. This process can occur in animals in different ways. Some cats just sleep until the next day, and some become hyperactive: they try to run, jump, try to climb higher, meow loudly. At the same time, the coordination of movements, as a rule, is very poor, so the animal can walk backwards, fall, "miss" when jumping and risk being injured. Therefore, it is very important to be close to the cat in order to look after her. In addition, some animals, moving away from anesthesia, are afraid to be alone and do not let go of a person.

It is best to schedule the operation on the morning of the day off so that you have the opportunity to monitor the cat's condition in the first hours after the operation. Then she will no longer need constant supervision.

After a period of activity, secondary sleep occurs. After the cat sleeps off, the rest of the anesthesia will "disappear" from her body and she will begin to behave normally. Her movements will become coordinated, the cat may begin to show interest in food, although at first she will eat very little. Within two to three days, the cat will be lethargic and inactive, but both physical activity and appetite will gradually recover.

How the behavior of a neutered cat changes

After the operation, the cat no longer experiences hormonal problems, and night screams, hysterical meows and other "ugliness" accompanying estrus disappear with them.

As a rule, the character of a cat after sterilization does not fundamentally change: they behave almost the same as before surgery in the period between estrus. But at the same time they become somewhat calmer and obedient, less aggressive.

Usually, a spayed cat begins to move less, so it is necessary not only to adjust its diet (it is best to switch to a special food for neutering), but also try to stimulate its physical activity by playing with the animal more often.

Sometimes after surgery, cats have a strong appetite. In such cases, it is important not to succumb to "provocations" and not to increase the diet - otherwise, literally in a matter of weeks, the cat becomes obese.

If, despite the operation, the cat continues to show sexual inclinations, this may mean that the operation was not performed "cleanly" and there are particles of the ovary in the abdominal cavity, which continues to function. Hormones can also be produced by an abandoned uterus, and sometimes the adrenal glands take over this function. In any case, the behavior typical of estrus in a spayed cat is a reason for a serious examination by a veterinarian.
