Chinchillas are adorable rodents that were domesticated only in the second half of the 20th century. They were first brought to Russia in the 60s, and began to breed and sell babies in pet stores in the late 80s. Chinchillas have a unique, exceptionally dense fur and docile nature.

Chinchilla - what is important to know before buying it?
So, if you decide to get a chinchilla, you need to learn as much as possible about the characteristics of these animals.
First, the amazing plush hair of chinchillas should never get wet. But this does not negate the need for careful care: the pet will need to be regularly bathed in a kind of sand baths. Secondly, it should be remembered that chinchillas are nocturnal and extremely afraid of loud noises. Therefore, if you cannot provide peace and quiet at home, it is better to refuse to purchase.

Another feature of chinchillas is their playfulness and jumping ability. You will need free space for a large tall cage. The minimum size is 80 cm in height, 50-70 cm in length, 40-50 cm in width. When equipping a cage, one should take into account the fact that due to their hyperactivity, chinchillas are prone to injury. In addition, they can fall asleep. Therefore, all the shelves and structures in the cage should be made of wood and located at a short distance from each other.

Finally, about nutrition. Chinchillas need to be fed with special food from a pet store and in no case should they be pampered with handouts from the table. It is better to consult a breeder or a specialist about choosing a manufacturer, since everything is quite individual in this matter.

How to choose the right chinchilla
Buying a chinchilla is currently not a problem, however, it is quite difficult to acquire an absolutely healthy animal without deviations. In order not to spend money on a sick rodent, it is necessary, first of all, to refrain from shopping in the poultry market. Buying an animal from your hands, you will not be able to reliably find out whether it is vaccinated, what it was sick with, who are its parents, etc.

The most ideal option is nurseries and chinchilla breeding farms. Of course, such a purchase will cost a round sum (starting from 7,000 rubles), but then you will have every guarantee that everything is in order with the animal. You can also consult with experts on all pressing issues: what to feed, how to equip the cage, etc. In addition, a huge selection will open before you: to date, a large number of very beautiful breeds of unusual colors have been bred, for example, the so-called "purple" chinchillas. However, it is believed that specimens of natural gray color are distinguished by better health.

An economical but acceptable option is to buy from private traders. Study the message boards carefully and call all sellers. It is advisable to arrange a meeting with the owner on his territory so that you can critically assess the conditions in which the chinchilla was for a long time.
It is best to look for offers in your city / area, since a long move is always stressful for shy chinchillas. In addition, it will be easier for you to keep in touch with the previous owner.