Many people dream of acquiring budgies, but when they come to a pet store, they are lost, because they simply do not know how to determine the sex of the future pet. There are several ways to tell the difference between a female budgerigar and a male budgerigar.

When buying a bird, you should carefully examine the beak wax, which is located in its upper part. Determining the sex of a parrot by wax is much easier if the age of the purchased bird is more than three months. At this age, in females of parrots, the wax becomes a grayish-white or brown tint, and in males it becomes blue. The paws of males are also bluish in color.
Usually the behavior of male parrots is more active. It is males who love to knock, sing, make noise and attract everyone's attention. Finding themselves in a new environment, males show a desire to actively study what surrounds them.
It will be a little more difficult to determine the sex of the bird if the parrot is only 1-2 months old. At this age, in females, the wax is white with a bluish tint, and in males it is purple. Female parrots usually have a calmer temperament than males.
Those who decide to purchase a white budgerigar should rely only on the competence of the sellers, since the sex of these birds can only be determined at an early age, when the chicks are still in the nest under the care of their parents.