The gerbil is a funny animal from the order of rodents, which may well become the same domestic animal as a dog or a cat. When choosing a name for a gerbil, there are no strict rules - such a cute animal can be called any, even the most unexpected, nickname.

Step 1
Usually all gerbils have a red or reddish-white coat color, so the names Ginger or Snow White, Snowball or Freckle, White or Chanterelle may suit your pet. Considering that this animal has a brush on the tail, perhaps this feature of the gerbil will help you with the choice of a nickname and it will be called that - Brush or, for example, the Artist.

Step 2
Observe the behavior of your pet rodent carefully. As a rule, all gerbils are very active and funny, so the animal can be named Meteor, Swiftfoot, Bully, Rocket, Vertun, Shalunishka, Zabava, Fidget, Shustrik, Bystrinka or Bully. If your cute rodent is an exception to this rule and he loves to sleep very much, then the nicknames Sonya, Sloth, Zasypashka, Lazy or Sandman will suit him.

Step 3
See how your gerbil feels about food and use the name to highlight her personality. Do you notice that she likes to eat tightly? Then her nickname can be Giant, Fat Man, Obzhorka, Puzanchik, Chubby, Kruglik, Kolobok, Gourmet, Yum-Yum, or Fat Belly. Is your pet very picky about food, on the contrary? In this case, the names Privereda, Slimy, Grace, Trostinka, Crumb or Cypress will suit him.

Step 4
Do not follow the lead of stereotypes and do not call the animal corny - your favorite animal can wear the nickname Pie, Ottoman, Chocolate, Sandwich, Marquise, Khokholok, Carrot, Usyk, Cutlet, Rustle, Ponytail, Fondant, Piglet, Cupcake, Pet, Crunch, Titanium, Bully, Flower, Prince or Tsap-Tsarapych. In a family of programmers, for example, a gerbil named Klava, Pixel, Asya, Flash or Megabyte may well live, and representatives of creative professions can name their red pet Aphrodite, Hercules, Cleopatra, Artist, Hera, Athena, Zeus, Cassiopeia, Dionysus, Apollo or even Melpomene.