If you keep rabbits for breeding or just make sure that the rabbits bring offspring of good quality and high vitality, the timing of mating should be monitored.

Signs of hunting in rabbits
Keep males and females separately. That is why it is very important not to miss the moment when the female is ready for fertilization and it is then to plant her with the male for mating. The hunting period for females occurs every nine days. Its duration is about five days. Most often, the female in the hunt can be easily identified by her behavior. Animals become restless, lose their appetite, rub against the cage or pluck their fur.
If a female is hunted to a male, she will accept him favorably and will not drive him away. It also happens that hunting takes place in rabbits without any external symptoms. In this case, you should use the calendar method. Remember, the female is ready for a new mating within a day after the breeding. Begin to do a trial placement of the female to the male from this period for 4-5 days and then after 9 days.
Healthy offspring
If you want a litter that is not only regular, but also viable, and the rabbits grow quickly and gain weight well, simply mating rabbits is not enough. The process should be approached scientifically. Sexual maturity in a female rabbit begins at the age of three months, however, if mating is carried out already at this time, she most likely will not be able to bear the rabbits. Either the droppings will be weak or not viable. The optimal time for the first mating in females is 4.5-5 months. At this age, they are already strong enough and ready to endure strong healthy rabbits.
Keep in mind also that the first offspring of the female will always be of not very high quality, with each subsequent litter, the vitality of the rabbits will increase. Many rabbit breeders argue that the most optimal age for a female to obtain an offspring, ideal in all respects, is a year. At this time, the animal is not only fully formed and has reached its required mass, but is also able to produce more milk, which will make it possible to better feed the rabbits.
Rabbit check
Immediately before mating, you should definitely inspect the animals that you plan to mate. This fun process for rabbits should be started only if all selected animals are healthy and meet your requirements for the quality of offspring. Rabbits who have mastitis or have recently had mastitis should not be mated. Also, animals with scabies or rhinitis are not allowed.