So, a kitten should appear in your house soon. He is cute and adorable, you have already figured out where he will sleep, what color his bowl will be and what you will call him. The issue of choosing the right diet for the baby is also important - after all, if you feed him with natural food, you may not take into account something, and the special food prepared for cats, for sure, has its own characteristics of storage and reception. How to properly handle incomprehensible crackers and wet canned food for cats?

Step 1
First, decide what kind of food you will feed your pet. It is quite possible for kittens and adult cats to be limited to one dry food, it is enough just to provide them with the necessary amount of drinking water. If you decide to buy exclusively pellet feed, there should be no problem with its storage. Dry food for animals can stay in the air for a long time in a bowl and this does not affect their quality at all. Make sure that the granules of dry food do not come into contact with water or wet food and do not swell - their taste and properties from this immediately sharply decrease and the cat may refuse such a treat.

Step 2
Make sure to store dry food in a tightly closed bag or container. Manufacturers of food for cats, as a rule, make packages with special reusable fasteners so that the attractive aroma and some useful substances do not erode and do not dampen. If you buy dry food by weight, make sure that the bag in which it is stored is always tightly closed.

Step 3
Wet cat food has its own characteristics. Although it is sold in the store at room temperature, it cannot be stored for a long time after opening the package. If you buy pâté or wet chunks in sauce for a little kitten, or if your cat only receives such food as a treat, be sure to seal the package and store it in the refrigerator. Also, make sure that the cat eats the entire portion of the wet food at once and does not remain in the bowl for a long time, this can lead to the formation of a large number of bacteria and spoilage.