Subtleties And Nuances When Choosing A Rabbit

Subtleties And Nuances When Choosing A Rabbit
Subtleties And Nuances When Choosing A Rabbit

Recently, very often in the form of a pet, people acquire dwarf rabbits. They are very smart, cute, and most importantly - affectionate creatures, the content of which brings pleasure not only to adults, but also to children. They are unpretentious in food, sociable and very quickly amenable to education.

Subtleties and nuances when choosing a rabbit
Subtleties and nuances when choosing a rabbit

The only drawback is that they live on average 6 years, but at the same time they can live with good care and up to 13 years. Remember, any pet needs companionship and care, so think carefully before adopting someone. After buying a rabbit, you cannot let go to walk freely around the apartment.

He may be frightened, injured, or simply fall over. Therefore, get him a special house where he will live and feel confident. Create conditions for him so that he can sleep peacefully, eat and just play. Do not forget to clean the cage during the time. When choosing a decorative rabbit, certain conditions must be observed. It is very important that the rabbit is over 45 days old at the time of purchase. He should look plump and well-groomed, the coat had no flaws. Check that the nose is wet and the ears are clear and symmetrical. In order to check for digestive problems, look at the fur around the anus, it should be clean. Be sure to pick him up when examining to make sure he is not aggressive. The very care of these wonderful animals does not involve much work and special skills.

The most important thing is to keep your pet's house clean, feed it and give it as much attention as possible. If the rabbit has long hair, then pet stores sell a comb for rabbits that have long hair, they must be combed every day. Also get there scissors in order to cut the rabbit's claws. Make sure that there is a piece of chalk in the cage to protect it from calcium deficiency and a tree limb for grinding teeth. Don't worry if you catch your animal eating feces, this is a common activity for rabbits. Thanks to this, there is a better assimilation of vitamins and amino acids.

Usually rabbits eat a lot, 30-40 times a day, so watch his diet. Buy special food and provide different treats. Do not let drafts in the room, rabbits can just catch cold. If you suddenly decide to bathe your pet, then it is best to use ordinary warm water without adding various means. After bathing, be sure to dry the rabbit with a towel. Subject to these simple rules, a decorative rabbit will bring pleasure to you for many years.
