Owners of parrots are familiar with the desire that your pet is not afraid of hands and happily goes to communicate. And here many owners make a serious mistake. They try to take the parrot in their hands, despite his obvious protest and resistance. Unfortunately, these actions can lead to a completely opposite effect. Therefore, you should always remember a few simple rules.

It is necessary
Parrot, cage, parrot treat, books on parrot content, behavior and training
Step 1
It is best to train your parrot to sit on your hand voluntarily. To do this, be patient and prepare to devote enough time. Slowly train your pet to yourself daily. Speak in a calm, low voice, do not make sudden movements, communicate with him. Over time, your efforts are bound to be rewarded. The following exercise is helpful.
Approach the cage with a calm step, while talking affectionately with the parrot.
Without making any sudden movements, open the cage door and slowly slip some bird treats into it.
Hold it in your open palm or in your fingers.
If your pet is extremely anxious, simply put down the treat and gently remove your hand from the cage.
This exercise should be done before the main feeding, i.e. at the moment when the pet is hungry. Gradually, the bird will be imbued with confidence in you and will begin to take a treat even in the immediate vicinity of your hand, and then climb on it. With a patient approach, the parrot will delight you with a long-awaited run on the shoulder. Moreover, he will do all this himself, of his own free will.

Step 2
Sometimes it is necessary to pick up the parrot, for example, to inspect it. Here are some guidelines for this case.
1. Without sudden movements, open the door and cover the exit with one hand so that the pet does not fly away.
2. Gently catch the bird with your other hand. Her body should be in the palm of your hand so that it does not squeeze. The index finger is on the crown of the head, and the thumb and middle finger are under the cheeks. The ring and pinky fingers hold the legs, tail and wings securely in place.
3. In this case, the second hand remained free. You can give the bird medicine or do other manipulations for which you caught it.

Step 3
A large parrot can scratch or bite its owner. Therefore, when catching, use a small terry towel.
Hold your head with the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger of one hand. Just like with a small pet.
Secure your legs, tail and wings with your other hand as if you were holding flowers.
And, of course, you need the help of another person to give medicine or clean a cage.

Step 4
Only resort to forcible capture and restraint of your parrot if necessary, because these actions can cause your pet to lose confidence in you.