Starting a budgie as a pet, the owners sometimes do not think too much about how to give it a nickname. But if, for example, you want him to speak to you as soon as possible and learn to pronounce his own name, the question of what to call a budgerigar should be approached with all seriousness.

For budgies, the "r" sound is one of the easiest to pronounce, they like to imitate growling animals, so it is recommended to choose a nickname for your pet so that it includes the letter "r": Garik, Zhorik, Patrick.
Do not make up too long a nickname for your pet. The shorter his nickname is, the easier it will be for him to remember it and subsequently reproduce it, so the following nicknames will be just right for budgies: Ara, Yarik, Roma. It is also desirable that the name contains the sounds "sh" and "zh": Zhora, Yasha, Pasha, Gosha, Zhuzha (for a female).
Most of the budgerigar nicknames mentioned above are traditional. You can choose some original nickname, otherwise these Gosh, Kesh and Zhor are already a dime a dozen. Call your male parrot Heinrich, Rubik or, for example, Robert, and the female Rocket, Roxanne or Prima. The main thing is to try to choose a nickname that is not too long and conveniently pronounced for a parrot. By the way, if it consists of repeating syllables (Jojo, Coco), the bird will learn to pronounce it the fastest. True, there are too few such nicknames that will be more or less euphonious.
Do not name your pet the name of someone in your family or pets, so that the bird does not get confused. There are many other options for what to call the budgerigar.
Keep in mind that some species of parrots have difficulty pronouncing the sounds "ts", "s", "z", as well as the sonorous sounds "m", "l", "n" and deep vowels.
If you are not planning to teach your parrot to speak, you can come up with any nickname you want for it. And do not forget to ask the children what they would like to call the budgerigar. Perhaps their version will suit you.