Wild Animals

Why Worms Appear In Domestic Cats

Why Worms Appear In Domestic Cats

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Domestic cats are as susceptible to diseases as street pets. The appearance of worms (helminths) and fleas in pets is not uncommon. Therefore, domestic cats need proper care and attention. Where do the worms come from Worms are parasites that inhabit, multiply and feed in humans and animals

How To Treat Aquarium Guppies For Fin Rot

How To Treat Aquarium Guppies For Fin Rot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Aquarium fish are prone to various infectious diseases - guppies, often suffering from fin rot, are no exception. This disease is caused by rod bacteria and affects all types of fish with the same frequency. So how is fin rot treated? Causes and symptoms Fin rot is an infectious disease brought on by new fish that the owner has acquired and placed in the aquarium

How To Choose An Aquarium

How To Choose An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The aquarium is not only a corner of nature, but also a piece of furniture. In this regard, the question arises - How to choose an aquarium of a particular model? There are 2 approaches to this issue: an aquarium as a life support system for organisms and as an interior detail

How To Make Decorations For An Aquarium

How To Make Decorations For An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The use of an aquarium as an unusual and original piece of furniture also presupposes non-standard decoration. But the decorations for aquariums on sale are not encouraging either in quality or in price. If you want to create a truly unique underwater world in your apartment, you have to do it yourself

Which Aquarium To Buy: Fresh Or Marine

Which Aquarium To Buy: Fresh Or Marine

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The aquarium in the house is a colorful and wonderful world of amazing creatures. The aquarium will help to balance the microclimate in the apartment, improve health and mood. Setting up an aquarium is a time consuming and costly process. But in the future, aquariums equipped with the necessary equipment, with correctly selected plants and animals, require minimal maintenance

How To Choose Plants For Your Aquarium

How To Choose Plants For Your Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Plants in an aquarium are needed not only for decoration, as a decorative element. They play the role of a kind of filter for purifying water, saturating it with oxygen. In their thickets, small species of fish and fry can hide from danger. Therefore, the correct selection of plants for the aquarium is very important

Which Mini-aquarium To Choose, How To Equip And Who To Populate

Which Mini-aquarium To Choose, How To Equip And Who To Populate

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Until recently, small aquariums of 10-15 liters were used mainly only as spawners for sick fish or, in extreme cases, spawning grounds. Today, with the advent of new equipment on the market that makes it much easier to care for underwater inhabitants, such small ecosystems have become a big fashion

Why Do Fish Die

Why Do Fish Die

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

How often the joy of buying such beautiful, almost fantastic creatures like aquarium fish gives way to bitterness because of their death in the very first days, or even hours after settling. It would seem that they were taken to the house neatly, and the aquarium was thoroughly prepared in advance

How To Treat Guppies For Fin Rot

How To Treat Guppies For Fin Rot

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Fin rot in guppies is a bacterial disease that affects many fish species. If it is detected in time, then it is successfully treated at home. Fin rot in fish appears for many reasons. Decreased immunity in fish, the appearance of new inhabitants of the aquarium, poor-quality water replacement - all this contributes to the spread of fin rot

How To Care For An Aquarium Snail

How To Care For An Aquarium Snail

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Aquarium snails are great helpers in keeping your aquarium clean. There are practically no problems from them, but the benefits are obvious: mollusks purify water and contribute to the normal functioning of all inhabitants of an artificial reservoir

Where Fireflies Live

Where Fireflies Live

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Fireflies, as the larvae and beetles of some insects are called, are found in different parts of the world. They can often be seen in caves and outdoors: wherever the environmental conditions are humid, where there is enough food, and where there is a high wall or canopy

How To Breed Ampularia

How To Breed Ampularia

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Ampularia are freshwater mollusks. In home aquariums, they are kept not only as a decorative addition to the interior, but also for purely practical purposes. They do an excellent job of controlling fouling on aquarium walls and on aquatic plants

What Are Aquarium Snails For?

What Are Aquarium Snails For?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Snails are found in almost any aquarium. Moreover, the owner does not always buy these mollusks consciously. Most of them appear completely unexpectedly, getting into the aquarium along with plants, soil or water. What are aquarium snails for?

What Does An Aquarium Snail Eat?

What Does An Aquarium Snail Eat?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Snails live in a wide range of ecosystems. Swamps, ditches, ponds, lakes and rivers are excellent habitats for them. Ampullaria can be kept in a regular freshwater aquarium. They get along well with most aquarium fish, unless of course they are not a species that feeds on molluscs

How To Keep An Aquarium Snail

How To Keep An Aquarium Snail

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many species of snails that live in the wild can also be bred in your home aquarium. The fact is that they prefer running water to standing water. With proper care, several members of the apple snail family or ampullaria can be grown in an aquarium at home

How To Breed Snails

How To Breed Snails

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Snail farming is not only a hobby, but also a serious business. Moreover, investments will be minimal, and the income can be about a million rubles per year from just 100 individuals. Of course, before doing this, you need to know all the rules for breeding shellfish

How To Get Snails Out Of An Aquarium

How To Get Snails Out Of An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Not all snails are created equal in your aquarium. In a spawning aquarium, snails have nothing to do at all, they eat eggs and fish larvae. In a general aquarium, hordes of snails can completely destroy aquatic plants. The most common problem for the aquarist is the proliferation of red horny coils or red fiza

Why Does A Chameleon Change Color?

Why Does A Chameleon Change Color?

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Fish, insects, and reptiles can disguise themselves by changing their color. One of the most famous lizards that can radically change the color of their body in a given situation is the chameleon. Instructions Step 1 Chameleons are inhabitants of the sultry continent called Africa

How To Breed Lizards

How To Breed Lizards

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Today it has become fashionable to keep various exotic animals and reptiles, including lizards, as pets. In addition to tropical species, ordinary nimble lizards are also kept, especially since there is no particular trouble with their feeding

Is It Possible To Distinguish A Cat From A Cat By The Face

Is It Possible To Distinguish A Cat From A Cat By The Face

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Cat lovers claim that you can tell a cat from a cat by its face, body shape and character. However, this will be quite difficult for those who have minimal experience with these animals. How to tell a cat from a cat by appearance You can distinguish a cat from a cat by the face and body shape if you look closely at the animals of both sexes

How To Lower The Temperature In An Aquarium

How To Lower The Temperature In An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

In summer, in the hottest weather, the air temperature in an apartment without air conditioning reaches 30 or even 35 degrees. It must be understood that fish are cold-blooded creatures, so high water temperatures can be fatal for them. In too warm water, the body of the fish works for wear and tear

How To Install A Heater In An Aquarium

How To Install A Heater In An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A good aquarium heater is a must for people who want to keep a wide variety of fish species indoors. In their natural, natural environment, aquatic living things adapt to certain temperature levels. This should be taken into account when you plan to keep them in an aquarium and want to keep your beloved pets life and health for many months and years

Keeping Laying Hens In The Country And Caring For Them

Keeping Laying Hens In The Country And Caring For Them

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Keeping laying hens at the dacha is very beneficial: the taste and nutritional properties of domestic eggs are incomparable with store eggs. Therefore, you need to know how to choose a bird, what to make a chicken coop, how to feed the chickens, how to care for them

How To Make A Turtle Terrarium

How To Make A Turtle Terrarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Red-eared turtles are very cute, curious, interesting animals, it is not surprising that more and more people choose them as pets. However, to keep a red-eared turtle at home, you need to create certain conditions for it that resemble its natural habitat

How To Choose An Aquarium Sealant

How To Choose An Aquarium Sealant

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A special sealant is simply an indispensable item for aquarium owners. This adhesive-based product helps prevent cracks and leaks in the aquarium seams. What are the criteria for choosing an aquarium sealant? Aquarium sealant is a product used to prevent leaks and cracks at the joints and corners of the aquarium

Why Does Walrus Need Fangs

Why Does Walrus Need Fangs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Long and powerful canines growing from the upper jaw are the hallmark of the walrus. In males, they can reach up to 1 meter in length, in females, they are much smaller and thinner. There are many versions explaining why walrus need fangs, but not all of them are reliable

How To Change The Water In An Aquarium

How To Change The Water In An Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Many novice aquarists unknowingly take too much care of their aquatic pets: they often feed, turn on the lights unnecessarily, constantly change the water. This cannot be done. In particular, it is not recommended to change the water in the aquarium more than once every two weeks, and even more so it is not worth changing it in full

How To Soften Your Aquarium Water

How To Soften Your Aquarium Water

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Breeding aquatic inhabitants, modern people are faced with one very big problem - water hardness. An increased percentage of alkaline earth metal salts has a detrimental effect on representatives of most fish species and other aquarium inhabitants

How To Clean Your Aquarium

How To Clean Your Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The aquarium is a wonderful decoration for an apartment, as well as an amazing opportunity to get to know the world of underwater inhabitants better. To keep your aquarium beautiful and well-groomed, you need to clean it regularly. Instructions Step 1 Aquarium maintenance can be divided into two parts

How To Keep Crayfish

How To Keep Crayfish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Until recently, crayfish were not considered an interesting object of maintenance for aquarists, but now they are gaining more and more sympathy. Attention is drawn to their bright color, large size, and the relative ease of content, despite the fact that there is still little information on this topic

What Kind Of Animal Is A Water Buffalo

What Kind Of Animal Is A Water Buffalo

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The water buffalo is called the Asian (Indian) buffalo - one of the largest bulls on the planet. Adults can reach a length of more than 3 m, and their height at the withers can reach 2 m. These giants weigh about 1000 kg, and sometimes all 1200 kg

How Often To Change The Water In The Aquarium

How Often To Change The Water In The Aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The health and life of the fish living there depends on how often the water in the aquarium changes. It is important to take into account whether we are talking about a new aquarium or about "housing" in which the fish have been for a long time

Schnauzer: Breed Features

Schnauzer: Breed Features

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The name of the breed is translated from German as "muzzle". It is the muzzle with a rectangular beard that is a characteristic feature of this breed. The origin of the Schnauzer breed Today there are three varieties of the breed:

How To Care For A Fish Tank

How To Care For A Fish Tank

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A beautiful aquarium with clear water and colorful fish is always pleasing to the eye. It calms down after a hard day's work, makes the room more comfortable. However, any aquarium requires regular and proper maintenance. It is necessary - plastic container for partial replacement of water

How Many Amur Tigers Are Left

How Many Amur Tigers Are Left

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

The Amur tiger (also known as the Ussuri or Far Eastern tiger, sometimes called the Siberian tiger) is one of the world's rarest tiger species. It is listed in the Red Book and is threatened with extinction. Characteristics of the species The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the northernmost tiger species and is one of the largest

What Animals Live In The Meadow

What Animals Live In The Meadow

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

A meadow is an area richly covered with herbs and flowers. But this is not all, a meadow is also insects that pollinate plants, and shepherds with herds of domestic animals grazing here, and rodents, and other permanent or temporary inhabitants of the green space

Who Are Molluscs

Who Are Molluscs

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Molluscs or soft-bodied are a type of invertebrate animals. Their body consists of soft tissues, often there are protective horny formations like a shell. About ten classes of the Molluscan type are known. Instructions Step 1 The body of the mollusk is not divided into segments, it has three sections:

How To Keep Aquarium Shrimp

How To Keep Aquarium Shrimp

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Keeping and breeding shrimp is becoming more and more popular among aquarists. In addition to the fact that these arthropods have a bright, unusually beautiful color, they are also very intelligent. Those who already own aquarium shrimp know how mesmerizing the behavior of these creatures is, how it is soothing and relaxing to observe their life

What Can You Call A Fish

What Can You Call A Fish

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

Nowadays, it has become popular to decorate apartments and offices with aquariums, since it is believed that the contemplation of fish calms the human nervous system. You bought an aquarium fish and want to name your pet. When choosing a name, be guided by the following

How To Feed A Dog After Giving Birth

How To Feed A Dog After Giving Birth

Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01

To ensure healthy offspring, a dog needs a healthy and balanced diet both before and during pregnancy. But it is especially important for a new mother to eat properly after childbirth, because she needs to recuperate as quickly as possible in order to feed the babies