Today it has become fashionable to keep various exotic animals and reptiles, including lizards, as pets. In addition to tropical species, ordinary nimble lizards are also kept, especially since there is no particular trouble with their feeding. How to breed lizards?

How to breed nimble lizards

A quick lizard becomes sexually mature and capable of laying eggs at the age of 2 years. As soon as the molting period is over, and the males have acquired a bright, breeding coloration, they are added to the females. If the males begin to rise on their front legs, showing a brightly colored throat and belly, and shake their heads, then this means that they are ready to mate.

Females also respond with different head and tail movements, however, some individuals may also show disagreement, threatening the male with an open mouth. Be that as it may, but if the male overtook the female and, holding her with his teeth, introduced the hemipenis, then 55-65 days after mating, the female will start laying eggs and this process needs to be prepared.

This will require a deep cuvette filled with soft, moist soil. It can be prepared by mixing soil with sand, or sand with coconut substrate, or vermiculite with coconut substrate, where the female will lay the clutch and bury it. After the clutch is removed and placed in an incubator, where a constant temperature of 27-29 ° C is maintained. Usually, the number of eggs in a clutch varies from 3 to 16 pieces, of which babies will hatch in 40-55 days. They will begin to eat normal food after assimilating the yolk reserve.

When breeding nimble lizards, it must be remembered that the female can lay two clutches per season, and then the first offspring will appear in July-August, and the second in September-October. The mating period is in March-April and can be repeated in July-August. Sperm can be stored for a long time in the female's body and used to fertilize eggs laid in the new season.

How to breed tropical species
Once the female has laid her eggs in the cage, they must be removed and placed in a separate box. Important: when shifting eggs, you need to try not to shake or turn them over and it is advisable to number them with a marker. That is, the position of the clutch should not change, since the embryo may die in the upside-down egg. As a bedding for eggs, you need to use warm and moderately moist soil, but not wet.
As for the eggs of gecko lizards, it is not possible to move them due to the very soft shell, so the laying just needs to be protected with a wire fence. As soon as the babies are born, they are placed in a separate terrarium.