Muscovy ducks or so-called Indo-Ducks are becoming more and more adored among poultry farmers. They come from South and Central America. Many people fell in love with these large birds due to the fact that they do not require specific and complex care. Of the external features, reddish growths on the beak can be distinguished, which make the birds unique.

Pros of keeping an Indoor
Indo-ducks are very quiet and calm, they rarely enter into conflicts, especially with representatives of their own kind. These birds, unpretentious in food, are endowed with strong immunity, thanks to which they are protected from many ailments. The presence of a reservoir is optional, but if possible, the birds will gladly swim in a pond or fountain. They carry an average of 100 eggs per year, weighing 80 g each, have low-fat delicacy meat.
Requirements for the premises
The room in which the Indo-girls will be located should be:
- clean;
- spacious;
- warm enough;
- protected from moisture and drafts;
- with free access to water.
Since Indo-women are a species that came from the south, severe frosts are detrimental to domestic birds. In winter, additional heating will be needed not only for the entire room, but also for the floor. Keeping in a cramped duckhouse is also not worth it - the size of the bird requires more space. Due to the fact that Indo-ducks have vulnerable paws, it is better for the owner to avoid the appearance of dampness and drafts in the duckhouse, to ensure that the litter on the floor is always dry. There should be a separate nest for each female.
Ducks are omnivorous and consume both plant and animal food. They are very fond of beets, potatoes and carrots, which can be combined with cereals. Daily access to greenery and fresh water is a must for birds. From animal food, he is not averse to eating various insects. Mineral supplements are also used in the diet. An adult eats 300-350 g of feed daily and drinks a liter of water. In the summer, the duck provides itself with nutrients for the walk, so feeding can be reduced.
Clipping the wings
Birds are endowed with the ability to fly far, so wing-clipping is practiced by poultry farmers. It is enough to trim one wing once or twice. This should be done as carefully as possible in order to bring less discomfort to the bird.
It is not difficult to provide the bird with a walk in the summer, but in winter this creates a number of inconveniences. The owner will need to clear the yard reserved for walking birds, cover it with sand, straw or sawdust and put up high hedges. With the arrival of winter, swimming is contraindicated for birds.
Bird breeding
The breeder should take seriously the preparation of nests for brooders. Synthetic materials for creating the nest are not allowed. The room where the duck nests should be quiet and calm. Ducks begin to lay by April and sit on the nest when there are 20 eggs. Do not allow other ducklings to approach the brood hen, as she can abandon the nest and go for a walk with someone else's brood.
With a responsible and correct approach to the maintenance and breeding of Indo-dogs, the breeder will be provided with a good income.