How To Treat Aquarium Guppies For Fin Rot

How To Treat Aquarium Guppies For Fin Rot
How To Treat Aquarium Guppies For Fin Rot

Aquarium fish are prone to various infectious diseases - guppies, often suffering from fin rot, are no exception. This disease is caused by rod bacteria and affects all types of fish with the same frequency. So how is fin rot treated?

How to treat aquarium guppies for fin rot
How to treat aquarium guppies for fin rot

Causes and symptoms

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Fin rot is an infectious disease brought on by new fish that the owner has acquired and placed in the aquarium. Usually, before that, they must undergo special quarantine and treatment in preventive baths - only after that they can be released to other fish. In addition, fin rot can develop when the water in the tank is too cool or when the water is rarely replaced, which is especially detrimental to the fry.

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The infectious origin of the disease significantly complicates the technology of its treatment, therefore, all "safety" rules should be observed.

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The symptoms of fin rot are clouding of the edge of the fins in the first stage of the disease - they become white or light blue. Clouding of the eyes is sometimes noted. In the later stages of the disease, the edges of the fins acquire a "disheveled" appearance and subsequently disappear. When fin rot is running, the fins can completely collapse, and ulcers form in the diseased areas, after which the fish can no longer be saved, so it is important to notice the development of the disease in time and start the correct treatment.

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Fin rot treatment

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For the treatment of fin rot in aquarium guppies, chloramphenicol can be used by dissolving 1 tablet in 20 liters of water. After that, every three days, replace a third of the aquarium water with settled water and add medicine to it again. Fin rot can also be cured with salt - for this you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 10 liters of water and place it in a separate container with a saline solution of sick fish for half an hour.

For corridors and tarakatums, the maximum dosage of salt should be no more than 1-2 grams of salt per liter of water.

Treat fin rot with Bicillin 5, produced in vials, the dosage of which is calculated for 6 days. A portion of the bicillion is dissolved daily in 10 liters of water and the guppy is placed there for half an hour. Biseptol-480 has proven itself well, the crushed tablets of which are dissolved in 10 liters of water (calculated as ¼ tablets for a given amount of water) and the fish are placed there for a day for 7 days. Also often for the treatment of fin rot in guppies, drugs such as Antipar, Malachite Green, Fiosept, Sera baktopur and Tetra GeneralTonic are used, which are used in a separate container with aeration and without water plants.
