The water buffalo is called the Asian (Indian) buffalo - one of the largest bulls on the planet. Adults can reach a length of more than 3 m, and their height at the withers can reach 2 m. These giants weigh about 1000 kg, and sometimes all 1200 kg!

Water buffalo - who is it?

Indian, or Asian, buffaloes are powerful bulls from the family of bovine artiodactyls. Currently, in nature, they are preserved only in some parts of Indonesia and India. The water buffalo is a large and aggressive animal. Just do not confuse it with ordinary domestic or wild cattle. The legs of these creatures are long and strong, their tail is also strong, reaching a length of 60 cm. The hair of water buffaloes is rather liquid, and the body is shortened. The head of a water buffalo is also somewhat different from the head of a domestic bull: it is slightly shorter and flatter.

The main weapon of water buffaloes is powerful horns, which can become more and more curled with age. They give the bull a significant advantage in the fight against other animals. By the way, the horns of these buffaloes are relatively thick and strongly diverge to the sides, reaching a length of 2 m. As a rule, females have smaller and straight horns. Other wild and domestic bulls use their horns less often than water buffaloes, and more for self-defense than for constant struggle.

Why were these buffaloes called water buffaloes?

This bull was nicknamed the water bull for its characteristic behavior. The fact is that these animals really like to lie in water for a long time, plunging into it up to their necks. Here, zoologists trace features of similarity with other aquatic mammals - with hippos. This behavior of Asian buffaloes is easily explained: this is how the bulls are saved from the heat, which they tolerate very poorly due to underdeveloped sweat glands.
What is the water buffalo known for?
Indian buffaloes are indispensable helpers in the everyday life of ancient people, because these bulls are one of the first animals that people have ever tamed. This is evidenced by the corresponding archaeological finds: on the fragments of clay pots, on the walls of caves, on ancient frescoes, ancient people depicted agricultural processes (for example, plowing the soil) with the help of powerful buffaloes. Currently, people are raising these animals in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and the Caucasus, using these giants in field work, as well as for the transportation of rather heavy loads.
In addition, water buffaloes are known to mankind for their outstanding durable hide, from which you can sew various things and shoe soles. In addition, these artiodactyl aquatic mammals are excellent producers of milk and meat. It is believed that the meat of young buffaloes is soft and has excellent taste, while the meat of an adult is hard.