Why Do Fish Die

Why Do Fish Die
Why Do Fish Die

How often the joy of buying such beautiful, almost fantastic creatures like aquarium fish gives way to bitterness because of their death in the very first days, or even hours after settling. It would seem that they were taken to the house neatly, and the aquarium was thoroughly prepared in advance. What's the matter?

Why do fish die
Why do fish die

Aquarium fish die most often, of course, among novice amateurs. This happens due to non-compliance with several rules. The fact is that the maintenance of the aquarium and its inhabitants cannot be compared with the maintenance of pets. The fish cannot whine or meow when it is bad, it just swam briskly in a bag of water from a pet store, and now it does not move near the surface of your aquarium water. For example, a dog, leaving the house, where the air temperature is plus twenty-five degrees, at twenty degrees of frost, feels normal, going home from cold to warm, she will also be happy. A fish can quickly be killed by an instant temperature change of a couple of degrees. Actually, the store water itself and the water in your container can be very different not only in temperature, but also in composition. Release the common minnow into the sea, how long will it live there? Therefore, the water, together with your guppy or swordsman, should be poured from the bag into a suitable jar, and a little aquarium water should be added there, at intervals of at least 10 minutes, diluting the first at least twice. The number of fish stocked should also be strictly limited: one individual per 3 l is the maximum density for the smallest species. There should not be too much vegetation in the aquarium; it needs to be thinned from time to time, removing excess grass. Thus, you will not only free up space for the inhabitants for normal physical activity, but also increase the access of light. By the way, the daylight hours of most aquarium pets are 10-12 hours, natural light from the windows of the apartment is completely insufficient, especially in winter. In view of this, it is necessary to turn on the lamp in the evening, otherwise the internal clock of the fish will break, and as a result - lack of appetite, illness and death. A few words should be said about nutrition separately. Do not hope that you can get by with one dry food, the option "poured more, and calmed down" will not work. Firstly, not eaten food will begin to rot and poison the water, secondly, it is difficult for fish to digest it, which leads to diseases of the digestive tract, and thirdly, monotonous food leads to a decrease in immunity, diseases, and, again, to the death of fish. Add chopped lettuce leaves, fresh bloodworms, daphnia, cyclops to the diet of your wards, barbs, gourami and scalar. All the main species of aquarium fish are native to the southern countries. In addition, they are bred and kept in greenhouse conditions, therefore even a not very long, albeit even a gradual decrease in water temperature to 16 ° C and below will lead to fungal and other diseases, the result of which you already guess. In general, read special literature in advance, treat your aquarium fish with attention and love.
