How To Distinguish An Indo-female Male From A Female

How To Distinguish An Indo-female Male From A Female
How To Distinguish An Indo-female Male From A Female

In the first three months of life, it is quite difficult to determine the sex of an Indoor: for this you need to raise the bird's tail and make sure that there is or is not a pseudopenis, which is often only possible for experienced poultry breeders to consider. However, with age, males and females acquire bright external features by which they can be distinguished.

How to distinguish an Indo-female male from a female
How to distinguish an Indo-female male from a female

The main differences between Indo-women and drakes

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If we are talking about adults, to determine the sex, it will be enough just to look at the duck and the drake: the male will be much larger than the female, and this will immediately catch the eye. The average weight of an adult drake is about 5-6 kg, while females at the same age weigh only 1.5-3 kg. Moreover, males are not only larger, but also much more massive: they have a thick and long neck, wide chest, powerful wings.

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Take a look at the bird's head as well. If you see red, rough skin that goes behind the eyes, then you have a male in front of you. If the skin is more delicate, light pink and is located only between the eyes and beak, we are talking about the female. Ducks also boast a graceful rather than powerful neck curve. However, their plumage is much more modest: the color of males' feathers, as a rule, is brighter and more diverse, because by their appearance drakes should attract ducks.

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How to distinguish an Indo-female male from a female: additional tricks

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Indoor males and females differ not only in appearance. You can even determine the sex of a bird by its voice: ducks scream or “talk”, making the sound “uk” or “hic”, while males only hiss. Moreover, showing aggression, the drakes not only emit a loud hiss, but also raise the crest to look threatening. Females simply do not know how to do this.

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Since the genital organ of small Indo-duck drakes is only 1-2 mm long, and it is rather difficult to see it, you can use another option for determining the sex of ducklings. Firstly, in males, the plumage is several tones darker than in females, and this can be seen if you put several ducklings of both sexes side by side. Secondly, drakes very quickly become aggressive: within 1-2 weeks after birth, they begin to fight with other ducklings, as well as with chickens if they grow up with them. Young males often offend the birds with which they grow up, even when it comes to larger individuals. Females, on the other hand, behave more calmly, do not start fights and would rather hide in a corner or run away than accept a fight.

There is another interesting difference between females and males, and it lies in the characteristics of the behavior. As a rule, the drakes always skip the Indook forward, and they themselves move a little behind. This also applies to walking on land, and swimming, and even flying. The only exception is the situation when the duck incubates eggs, and the drakes, left without their females, walk in small groups, alternately passing each other forward.
