Domestic cats tend to be less active and eat more than their natural counterparts. Cats that eat too much suffer from problems with breathing, urination, diabetes, excess bile, etc. Therefore, it is important not to overfeed the cat. This will not only help protect your pet's health, but also save money on feed and vet visits.

- Take your cat to the vet. Ask him to weigh the cat to see if she is overeating. Also, find out how much food your cat should eat daily, and how many times a day. If your cat needs special food, the veterinarian should also warn about this. He may prescribe a specific weight loss diet that will need to be adjusted as soon as your pet reaches normal weight.
- Using a measuring cup, feed your cat the food your veterinarian recommended. Do not leave food in the bowl after it becomes obvious that the cat is full. If you have more than one cat, feed them in different parts of the house so they don't eat each other out of the bowl.
- Check to see if you have food in your home where the cat can get to it. If so, eliminate access to it by storing food in containers or cabinets. If you have other animals whose food the cat may be interested in, feed them separately and store their food in places where the cat will not find it. Do not give your cat extra treats or food from your table between feedings.
- If your cat begs for food, don't give in. Strictly follow your veterinarian's recommendations for feeding. If your cat begs for food, distract him with toys, catnip, petting, or games. This way she will not wait for food from you in between the set feeding times.