Which Mini-aquarium To Choose, How To Equip And Who To Populate

Which Mini-aquarium To Choose, How To Equip And Who To Populate
Which Mini-aquarium To Choose, How To Equip And Who To Populate

Until recently, small aquariums of 10-15 liters were used mainly only as spawners for sick fish or, in extreme cases, spawning grounds. Today, with the advent of new equipment on the market that makes it much easier to care for underwater inhabitants, such small ecosystems have become a big fashion. Indeed, with their help, you can decorate the interior of an apartment at no special cost and, moreover, diversify your leisure time.

Desktop mini aquarium
Desktop mini aquarium

When buying a container intended for keeping ornamental fish, first of all, of course, you should decide on its size. Desktop mini-aquarium can have a volume of 5 to 20 liters. There are banks on the market (as experienced aquarists call aquariums) with a volume of even one liter. However, buying, of course, is a bigger aquarium - at least 5-10 liters. In such a container, 1-2 fish will feel more or less comfortable. Smaller aquariums may look very attractive and unusual, but for fish they can turn into a real prison.

In addition to size, when buying an aquarium, of course, you should pay attention to its shape. There are cans on the market today, both round and rectangular or square. Of course, the first version of the aquarium in the interior will look the best. However, round containers have a number of significant disadvantages. Firstly, the fish themselves in such aquariums do not feel very comfortable due to the curvature given by the glass. Fans of ornamental fish also consider the disadvantages of such aquariums to be difficult to care for. It is much more difficult to clean curved walls from green plaque than ordinary smooth ones.

keeping a small aquarium
keeping a small aquarium

Another disadvantage of round aquariums is that they are unreliable. During cleaning, they often burst near the bottom. It is impossible to eliminate such cracks in any way and the aquarium usually just has to be thrown away.

Thus, the most convenient type of container for keeping fish is considered to be a desktop mini-aquarium, rectangular or square. The first version of cans is somewhat cheaper and more affordable, the second one looks more original and spectacular. A square aquarium is just as easy to care for as a rectangular one. Therefore, many hobbyists-aquarists today choose just this option for mini-jars.

How to equip a small aquarium

In order for the fish to feel comfortable in the aquarium, of course, it should be equipped with all the necessary equipment. First of all, the aquarist will have to buy a filter and aerator. Also, you will need to put all sorts of decorations in the jar.

A filter in a desktop mini-aquarium is usually installed with a waterfall or a simple internal filter with a sprinkler. Fans of ornamental fish also call the first type of equipment "rucksacks". Waterfall filters are hung on the outside of the aquarium wall with special clips (like a backpack). The advantage of such models is that they do not take up space in the aquarium itself and even slightly increase its capacity.

filter for small aquarium
filter for small aquarium

A regular internal filter for a small aquarium is good in that it can be used simultaneously both for purifying the water and for saturating it with oxygen. Such models often come with a so-called flute or sprinkler - a tube with holes drilled in it. The water drawn by the filter pump enters it and is poured into the aquarium from above, as a result of which a small "rain" is formed. The jets falling from the holes, among other things, create aeration in the aquarium, as they "drive" a large amount of air into the water.

When buying a filter of any design, of course, you should pay attention to the type of filler used in it. The simplest models filter water using only a regular sponge. More sophisticated filters for small aquariums can be supplemented with carbon cartridges. The latter option is convenient when the bank is just starting up. Carbon filters clean water well from all sorts of impurities and make it completely transparent. Unfortunately, these cartridges do not rid the aquarium of ammonia and nitrates. To remove these substances, filters with other special fillers should be used (or simply fill them up instead of coal). The charcoal filters remain working for about a month. Then, if desired, they are changed to new ones. But more often than not, aquarists simply install another extra foam sponge instead of the carbon cartridge.

When using a filter with a sprinkler, the compressor in the aquarium thus becomes superfluous. When using a "backpack", such equipment, most likely, will still have to be bought. There are many compressor models on the market today. When choosing a specific one, you should first of all pay attention to its power. For an aquarium of which capacity the compressor is intended, it is usually indicated in the instructions for its use. You should also make sure that the model is not too noisy. If the compressor hums loudly during operation, keeping a small aquarium from pleasure can turn into a real torture for its owners.

In addition to the compressor and filter, for a mini-aquarium, of course, you also need a lamp. Expensive aquariums with a lid are usually equipped with such equipment from the beginning. For a cheap can, the lamp will have to be purchased separately. For such an aquarium, it is best to purchase a regular, lightweight tabletop model. Such lamps are most often installed directly from above - on the glass that closes the jar. An LED lamp of not too high power is usually screwed into the holder of such models.

how to equip a small aquarium
how to equip a small aquarium

What fish to populate in a jar

It is believed that it is best to populate labyrinth species of fish in a desktop mini-aquarium. These can be, for example, lalius, macropods or cockerels. All these aquatic inhabitants know how to breathe atmospheric air and do not suffer from a lack of space at all. The only disadvantage of labyrinth fish is that males of this species do not always treat females in a gentlemanly way. Only one fish is usually populated in a five-liter aquarium. In a 10-liter container, you can already plant a couple. And in order for the female not to suffer, in this case it will be necessary to equip several shelters in the aquarium (from driftwood, mini-grottoes, plants).

To prevent the female from starving and suffering from beatings, several more small inhabitants can also be additionally populated into a 10-liter jar. This will distract the male's attention. Any unpretentious fish will do for a small aquarium. It is best if it is, for example, a small flock of zebrafish or a family of two females and one male guppy. With such neighbors, the female macropod will most likely be able to swim in the aquarium completely freely. However, the capacity itself will be somewhat overpopulated, and in the future it will have to be paid more attention.

fish for a small aquarium
fish for a small aquarium

In addition to fish, it is worth, of course, to plant a snail in a mini-aquarium. She will clean glass and decorations from plaque. Large ampullae are best suited for such jars. It is worth planting one such individual in a 5-10 liter container.

In addition to fish in a small aquarium, you can add a small frog. Such living creatures breathe atmospheric air and oxygen will not be taken away from fish.

Sometimes mini-aquariums are populated not with fish, but with shrimps. Such underwater inhabitants look very beautiful, and it is really interesting to observe their life. However, shrimp, since they feed on rotting food and plant debris, can only be populated in an old mini-aquarium. In the new, they can simply die of hunger.
