How Many Amur Tigers Are Left

How Many Amur Tigers Are Left
How Many Amur Tigers Are Left

The Amur tiger (also known as the Ussuri or Far Eastern tiger, sometimes called the Siberian tiger) is one of the world's rarest tiger species. It is listed in the Red Book and is threatened with extinction.

How many Amur tigers are left
How many Amur tigers are left

Characteristics of the species


The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the northernmost tiger species and is one of the largest. It is able to survive in extremely low temperatures and is not afraid of the icy north wind. It has a thicker coat than its southern counterparts, and on its belly, this predator has a layer of fat five centimeters thick, which protects the animal from the cold.

This feline has an elongated flexible body, a rounded head with very short ears, rather short legs and a long tail. The features of the Amur tiger's sight are interesting. He is good at distinguishing colors, unlike many other felines. And at night he sees better than a person, as much as five times!

The Amur tiger is capable of running in the snow at a speed of up to 50 kilometers per hour.

The body length of the Ussuri tiger is from 2, 7-3, 8 meters, weight from 160 to 270 kilograms. The body color is orange with a white belly. Amur tigers are somewhat lighter than other species. Their lifespan is about 15 years.

Males usually live alone, and the "personal" territory of each of them can be up to 800 square kilometers. Females sometimes gather in groups.

Tigers can and communicate with each other. They greet each other with special sounds reminiscent of growls. As a sign of friendliness, they can touch each other or rub their faces and sides.

Number and distribution

What tigers are found in India
What tigers are found in India

The main habitat of the Amur tigers is the territory of Russia. There is also a small population (about 50 individuals) in China. By the way, the death penalty is provided for in the Celestial Empire as a punishment for killing the Amur tiger.

In 2012, one of the oldest predators on the planet, the 21-year-old Amur tiger Fierce, died in the Khabarovsk Territory. Once upon a time, Russian and American doctors jointly performed a unique operation to restore the jaw to Lyutoma.

In Russia, the distribution area of the Amur tiger is in the Khabarovsk and Primorye Territories, along the Ussuri and Amur rivers. Most of these animals are found in the Lazovsky district of the Primorsky Territory, in the foothills of the Sikhote-Alin. According to research data from 1996, the total number of wild Amur tigers in Russia is about 415 - 176 individuals (it is not possible to say more precisely how many individuals remain in the wild). About 450 more tigers are kept in various zoos around the world. The total number of Amur tigers is declining.
