Fluffy plush decorative rabbits are very popular with children. Buying this animal as a gift for your child is a great idea. Of course, when buying an animal, one of the questions that interests the future owner is the sex of the pet. But the rabbit is one of the most mysterious creatures in this regard. Determining who is in front of you - a female or a male, can be quite difficult.

Step 1
Buy a decorative rabbit from a pedigree or from a breeder. In this case, you will have documents in your hands that already indicate whether you are purchasing a "girl" or "boy". It cannot be ruled out that the breeder also made a mistake in determining the sex, but still this is unlikely. Buying a rabbit in a regular pet store, you run the risk of getting a pet of the wrong sex, even if the sellers assure you that they have this information.

Step 2
If you do decide to get a pet from a pet store, buy a rabbit at the age of 3-4 months. It is possible to determine the sex of a very young animal, but it is not easy to do it yourself. When the rabbit grows up and reaches 3-4 months, the testicles descend in males, and they are easy to see near the genital opening. In very young rabbits, sex is also determined by the genitals, but only an experienced breeder can do this quite correctly.

Step 3
Flip the rabbit over onto its back, pull the tail back and look into the groin area. In the male, you will immediately see two testicles. You need to know that the testes in rabbits are not like the testes of dogs or cats. They resemble two bright pink bumps. Sometimes the owners even confuse them with a disease.

Step 4
You can also determine the sex of a decorative rabbit by secondary sex characteristics. Males are usually smaller than females. However, the "boys" have a stronger physique. Females have a narrower head. The "girls" have two rows of nipples on their belly.

Step 5
Some rabbit owners claim that sex can be determined by animal behavior. Males are more often more active, playful, and females are calmer. However, do not count on these signs - often males behave like females, and vice versa. Both are quite friendly to people, it is not difficult to take care of rabbits. Therefore, if it is not fundamentally important for you who to take - a boy or a girl, choose a pet that you like more outwardly.