Is It Possible To Distinguish A Cat From A Cat By The Face

Is It Possible To Distinguish A Cat From A Cat By The Face
Is It Possible To Distinguish A Cat From A Cat By The Face

Cat lovers claim that you can tell a cat from a cat by its face, body shape and character. However, this will be quite difficult for those who have minimal experience with these animals.

Is it possible to distinguish a cat from a cat by the face
Is it possible to distinguish a cat from a cat by the face

How to tell a cat from a cat by appearance

canadian sytnx how to determine a boy or girl sex characteristics of kittens
canadian sytnx how to determine a boy or girl sex characteristics of kittens

You can distinguish a cat from a cat by the face and body shape if you look closely at the animals of both sexes. You can see that cats' nose and muzzle are quite wide. In cats, the outlines of the muzzle are thinner, it is more elongated in length than in width. In order not to be mistaken, you also need to pay attention to the body of the animal. The cats have a powerful body, thick legs and a tail. Cats are more fragile, graceful and graceful, their body is much smaller, their tail and paws are thinner than those of cats. Females are smaller than males and have more graceful curves. You should also pay attention to the color of the coat - for example, only females can have a tortoiseshell color. The fact is that the X chromosome is responsible for the manifestation of red and black. For an animal's coat to have both colors, you need two chromosomes, and this can only be in females.

In rare cases, errors occur in the genetic code, and then tortoiseshell seals are born.

How to determine the gender of a kitten

I can not tell a cat from a cat
I can not tell a cat from a cat

It is more difficult to determine the sex of small kittens; this cannot be done in the face. They are distinguished only by their primary sexual characteristics. It is necessary to raise the tail of the animal: in a cat, the genital organ and anus will look like two points, in a cat, the urinary tract looks like a slit. In females, the distance from the anus to the genitals is about one centimeter; in males, it is somewhat larger. At the age of about three months, the testicles appear in this place.

Young cats are often larger and stronger than cats.

Distinctive features in the behavior of a cat and a cat

how to distinguish a cat from a cat photo
how to distinguish a cat from a cat photo

You can also distinguish a cat from a cat by character, but this will be possible no earlier than seven to nine months, when the animal becomes sexually mature. Cats are distinguished by great calmness and laziness, they do not resist the desire to stroke or pick them up. The disadvantages of males include their need to mark their territory, because of this, a specific smell appears in the apartment.

Cats, unlike cats, are more quarrelsome, you should not expect excessive affection from them. They are reluctant to let themselves be stroked or held in their hands. Cats become affectionate only during estrus. They fondle their owners, rub against furniture and roll on the floor. Unlike cats, cats are cleaner, they can lick themselves for hours. They are active hunters, males are more lazy. Cats can also mark their territory, they do this with the help of claws (animals have special glands in their paw pads). Cats fight among themselves for the possession of a cat, cats never fight for cats.
