Labradors are elegant, noble and unusually good-natured dogs, in which it is impossible to be disappointed. When buying a puppy, you take responsibility for his life and health for 13-15 years, so you should be responsible when choosing a pet.

Step 1
To get started, familiarize yourself with the breed standard, read about the nature and habits of Labradors. It is especially important to realize that not a small dog like a Pekingese or a toy terrier will appear in your house, but a rather large and strong animal. Knowing the physiological signs of compliance with the standard, you protect yourself from the intrigues of fraudsters who may try to sell a pooch or mestizo under the guise of a purebred dog.

Step 2
When you are completely sure that you want a Labrador Retriever, try to cope with your emotions. In no case should you rush to the first breeder about whom you managed to find information. If possible, visit a dog show, where representatives of the breed will surely be. There you can meet members of cynological clubs. It is possible that you will buy a puppy with documents right at the exhibition or meet a person who breeds dogs of this breed.

Step 3
At the exhibition you will have the opportunity to look at the potential parents of your future pet, to communicate with them. If the dog has a good pedigree and participates in breeding, then the owners regularly exhibit it. Each title and medal is a plus to the price of the puppy.

Step 4
On dog forums, there is often heated discussion about which sex should be adopted. Gather information, but remember that there is no definite answer to this question. Everyone has to decide for themselves. There are several options for the color of the Labrador. Decide what color the dog is prettier to you.

Step 5
When you find the right puppy, take your time to shop. Watch him, his brothers and sisters, and their mother for a while in their familiar surroundings. Feel free to ask the breeder questions about your puppy's parents.

Step 6
Labradors, especially those who have recently become parents, genetically have an instinct to protect their habitat. If, at the sight of you, an adult dog tucked his tail, seeks to hide, or, on the contrary, begins to bark loudly and continuously, you should continue to select a puppy in another place. The normal reaction of a Labrador to the appearance of a stranger is a tense stand, a head held high, ears raised alertly, an attentive gaze. But with a positive reaction of the host to the guest, the tension should be replaced by good nature.
Step 7
It is worth remembering that some of the dog's character traits, as well as inappropriate behavior and a number of diseases, are genetically inherited. Therefore, every breeder who values his reputation will provide you with not only the necessary information, but also show all the necessary documents to guarantee the purity of the pedigree and the health of the puppy.