Dog Breeds For Keeping In An Apartment

Dog Breeds For Keeping In An Apartment
Dog Breeds For Keeping In An Apartment

Some people who live in apartments take large breeds of dogs without thinking about the consequences and end up giving them to shelters, friends, or throwing them out on the street, because they are not able to cope with the energy of a large breed.

Therefore, be careful when choosing a dog.

Dog breeds for keeping in an apartment
Dog breeds for keeping in an apartment

1. Russian Toy Terrier


The second part of the breed's name - "terrier" speaks about the hunting purpose of the dog. The ancestors of Toy Terriers were used for hunting in burrows, but today it is a purely decorative breed.

It is the liveliness that prevents toy terriers from freezing. The almost complete absence of fat on the body compensates for mobility. The dog is warmed up all the time, as while running. This breed weighs a little up to 3 kg. Thanks to its long legs, the toy looks like a "fawn" and looks more graceful than representatives of other miniature breeds. This breed is divided into smooth-haired and long-haired.

Russian toy terriers are very agile dogs, playful and kind. Perfect for families with small children.

Weight: 1, 2-3 kg.

: 20-28 cm.

Character: kind, active, attached to humans, easily get along with other animals

Care: minimal

Difficulty of training: easy to train

12-15 years old

Cost: from 10.000 to 45.000

Suitable for families with children

2. Miniature Pinscher


The breed was bred for the extermination of rats, and is now used as decorative. In their appearance, they resemble reduced Dobermans.

They are distinguished by their perky character, cheerful disposition, good training abilities, selfless loyalty to the owner. Communication with such a friend will bring a lot of positive impressions, you just have to find the right approach.

The Miniature Pinscher is the owner of a complex character. However, the correct upbringing of the owner avoids almost all possible problems. Representatives of miniatures are naturally suspicious, and they are characterized by frequent and unreasonable barking. In this regard, if guests are very often in the house, the dog should be taught to calm perception of strangers who do not pose a threat to the owner.

4-6 kg.

25-30 cm.

Character: wayward, requires a certain approach

Care: minimal

easy to train

12-15 years old

from 10.000 to 30.000

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Such dogs became ladies' favorites at the court of the English kings. They were even used for hunting, but soon this breed became purely decorative, decorating rich living rooms. Many Englishmen are inclined to believe that these dogs are great for helping to relax after a hard day's work and relieve stress.

She needs fast walks with the expenditure of energy that accumulates in her home. You can get out of the city with her and let her off the leash, give her plenty of exercise. Just in case, the collar should have a medallion with the owner's phone number.

Dogs can suffer from ear and eye problems. Also prone to dislocation. They sometimes have chronic valvular heart disease and epilepsy.

4-8 kg.

25-30 cm.

Companion dog, affectionate, kind, gets along with other animals

not so easy

remembers commands quickly

10-12 years old

from 30.000 to 85.000

4. Basenji


Basenji is a small hunting breed. Like any hunter, the Basenji have strong and powerful teeth. The unique characteristics of the breed include the fact that its representatives are not able to bark, and with strong excitement, they make special sounds, reminiscent of a relatively loud rumbling.

Strong and fearless, self-confident dog, practically did not change its appearance over the many years of its existence. Basenji are dogs with a light and companionable character. They very quickly become attached to the owner and all family members. The dog of this breed is wary of outsiders.

Basenji belong to the category of hunting breeds, therefore they need regular walks and sufficient exercise. This breed has a very short coat, so it is recommended to comb out a pet of this breed only a couple of times a month, and replace traditional combing with water procedures three to four times a year.

9, 5-11 kg.

40-44 cm.

calmly endures loneliness, is attached to the owner


a certain approach is required

10-15 years old

Cost: from 5.000 to 12.000

5. Beagle


The Beagle is a medium sized English beagle that resembles a Foxhound. But he is shorter, his legs are shorter and his ears, on the contrary, are longer. These dogs played an important role in hunting wild animals. While the regular-sized dogs chased the game, the Beagles continued their pursuit in the undergrowth where the larger hounds could not get through.

Beagle is a vivid combination of excellent hunting instincts and genuine good nature. These dogs are the best companions. They show great curiosity about new scents. While walking, it is not recommended to take your eyes off the pet, otherwise it may chase after an interesting aroma and get lost. Representatives of the breed get along with cats less often, and it is worth refraining from small animals - decorative rats, hamsters, parrots.

Representatives of the breed are friendly to children and will gladly take part in the general game.

Beagles require minimal maintenance and are very unpretentious to the conditions of detention. The short coat of the dog needs to be brushed once or twice a week. It is necessary to start raising a beagle already from puppyhood. The optimal period is two to three months from the birth of the dog. The pet must clearly learn the boundaries of what is permissible, as well as the time of feeding and walking.

8-18 kg.

33-40 cm.

Personality: independent, needs a companion, energetic, does not get along with other animals


remembers commands quickly

11-15 years old

