Previously, domestic cats were content with soup and pieces of meat from the table of their owners and did not know any worries. Today, specialty pet food has a special place not only in stores, but even in advertisements and veterinarian advice. If you decide to transfer your cat from natural food to dry food, do not hope that this experiment will seem to him as pleasant and necessary as you. How can this be done correctly?

Step 1
Start with a small amount of food. It is good if you accustom a little kitten to such food, which has never tasted anything besides mother's milk. But if you have fed your mustachioed striped meat and sour cream for many years and suddenly, without warning, pour some incomprehensible peas into a bowl for him, most likely you will not receive anything but a slight bewilderment from the animal in return. Don't start with large portions, but try giving your cat a couple of dry pellets first, so he can appreciate their taste and aroma.
Step 2
After the cat realizes that the strange stones that you are offering him can be eaten, start the next step. Gradually replace natural products with dry food. If the animal eats a new treat willingly, just give it a small amount of food first, and then, as a reward, some familiar food. If problems arise with eating and the cat flatly refuses to eat what you offer him, you need to act differently. Offer a small amount of food to the cat and do not give any other food until after he has eaten it. Your task is to develop a reflex. The animal must clearly understand that first it is necessary to cope with the peas, and after that he will be given meat.
Step 3
Gradually increase the amount of dry food and decrease the amount of natural food. Pet food manufacturers add substances that attract cats to their products. Therefore, eating dry tablets, contrary to the opinion of many breeders, is with great appetite. The cat just has to get used to the fact that her food now looks like this. Remember that your task is to completely transfer the animal to dry food. Unfortunately, it is impossible to combine natural food and balanced feed. Either you feed with meat, or pour dry treats into a bowl. There is no third.