Wild Animals
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Monkeys, or primates, are four-armed mammals, similar in body structure to humans. These animals live mainly in tropical and subtropical forests with warm and humid climates. The habitat of different types of monkeys Monkeys are called four-armed mammals for a reason
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
It is impossible to say unequivocally which animal is closely related to a person. The fact is that some animals approach humans at a genetic or anatomical level, while others have similar intellectual characteristics. Is the closest relative of man a monkey?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There is only one known case of a gorilla and a lion fighting each other. But it was a computer model. It was built by professional programmers based on a large number of parameters. The gorilla won this battle, and she defeated the lion not by force, but by cunning
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You won't surprise anyone with familiar cats, dogs and hamsters in the house. Recently, it has become very fashionable and prestigious to keep exotic animals. Monkeys are considered the funniest. In order for a pet to feel like a pet, efforts should be made to create conditions of detention
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Carp is considered an unpretentious fish, therefore it is great for breeding in a pond. Carp are quite well adapted to live in stagnant warm water bodies. Moreover, in small lakes, carp grows much faster than in large ones, since less energy is spent searching for food
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Phytophagous fish are fish that feed on plant foods, i.e. herbivorous. The most famous among river phytophages are grass carp and silver carp. They are grown for culinary purposes. There are also special recipes for their preparation. Both grass carp and silver carp feed on algae and plankton
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The French call the "flying rat" the bird, which is known to everyone as "the bird of the world." It's about a pigeon. Such a name was given to a resident of a huge number of cities on the planet not for resemblance to a rodent, but for a way of life
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One of the main ingredients in dog grooming is ear cleaning. This procedure has several goals - from disease prevention to ear cleansing. But not everyone uses special solutions - someone prefers hydrogen peroxide. Can I use it? The main thing is to be careful
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Often, cat owners do not know how to treat the ears of their pets, whether to buy expensive products for this, or hydrogen peroxide is enough. The medicine from the home medicine cabinet can be used for cleaning, but only in certain cases. The use of peroxide is justified if it cannot be replaced by any other formulation designed specifically for animals
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Everyone who plans to attend exhibition events with their pet needs to train the dog in the correct posture. A decision about this must be made in advance, since the most effective training can take place only in childhood or puppyhood. It is necessary mirror
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Like humans, animals get sick and need diagnosis and treatment. Measuring the body temperature of a furry pet, such as a rabbit, can help you recognize a disease. This procedure is unpleasant for the animal, but if done correctly, the process will not take much time
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With the expansion of the possibilities of diagnosing diseases of internal organs in dogs, it became clear that liver diseases in them are quite common. Various types of hepatopathies cause many deaths. Your dog can only be correctly diagnosed by a professional veterinarian, therefore, due to the severity of these diseases, all prescriptions should be followed under his supervision
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Cat lovers often wonder about keeping their pets healthy. Visits to the veterinarian and annual vaccinations protect against various diseases. But there are also diseases that are transmitted from cats to humans. Instructions Step 1 Diseases transmitted from animals to humans are called zooanthroponoses
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Sometimes the question of caring for the oral cavity of pets is perplexing: “how, do dogs need to brush their teeth? Can they get sick? " They can. And how! Moreover, in the absence of proper care, a dog or cat may be left without teeth at all
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Bringing home a kitten, the owner hopes that it will grow into an intelligent, obedient and affectionate animal that will delight him for many years. However, often from cute lumps, uncontrollable cats turn out, which crap wherever they please and scratch family members
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Cats are sleep-lovers. They remain at rest for most of the day, and sometimes even wake up during dinner. Usually, elderly animals behave this way, and kittens prefer to replace sleep with active games. If you need to wake up the cat, do it carefully, the animal can get very scared
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The death of a pet is an unpleasant event. What to do in such a situation is not always clear. It is a well-known fact that cats or cats, before dying, go somewhere and do not return, but if they have spent their whole life at home and cannot leave, such a problem may arise
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Before you start domesticating a wild animal, you need to get as much information about it as possible. What the animal eats, what it is like in everyday life, do you need any special adaptations for it. And only after that, catch and start taming
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are many species of wild animals belonging to the feline family. Some representatives are known for their beauty, and therefore can be exterminated by people who want to get beautiful fur. Caracal is one of the most beautiful species of wild animals belonging to the feline family
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Until recently, dogs and cats were the main types of domestic animals. However, in recent years, very exotic animals, for example, crocodiles, have increasingly begun to compete with them, like hamsters with parrots. According to experts, it is impossible to tame a crocodile, therefore it is impossible to consider it as a traditional pet
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Home decorative colic can be a great tame pet. But for this, you will have to take time every day to communicate with the animal, feed it from your hands, talk and, of course, stroke your pet correctly. Instructions Step 1 Communicate with your pet when he is in a good mood and ready for contact
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According to scientists, the closest living relatives of crocodiles, which appeared 250 million years ago, are birds. It's hard to believe, but if you know how these dangerous predators breed, a lot becomes clear. Green and dangerous:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Vomiting in cats can begin for a variety of reasons. The animal can be poisoned by poor-quality food or an exacerbation of stomach disease. Vomiting can occur after a foreign object enters the stomach or if it contains helminths. Vomiting in cats is considered a protective function in case of intoxication of the body
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
There are many species of animals, birds, reptiles on planet Earth. Some animal families are so diverse that they can represent many species and genera. One of these living creatures is the monitor lizard. Monitor lizards are large lizards, uniting into one family of monitor lizards, represented by 10 genera of 30 species
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The orb-web spider and the rest of the family of the same name have an interesting feature in the external structure. The fact is that their abdomen is much larger than that of other spiders, and their external chitinous skeleton is relatively soft
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A diver, or Newfoundland, is one of the most benevolent and peaceful large dogs, capable of protecting its owner and protecting him from many troubles. We decided to stay on this breed, it is worth approaching the choice of a puppy with all thoroughness
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The heaviest animal in the world is recognized as a representative of the mammalian class - the blue (blue) whale. The dimensions of its body reach 35 meters in length, and its weight is 200 tons. The dwarf shrew, or Etruscan shrew, is recognized as the lightest and smallest animal (and not a microorganism) on Earth
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
If you have a cat or dog, then the question of where you can put the animal for the week or two that you will be absent from the city during your vacation periodically becomes relevant for you. If it is not possible to give the animal to relatives for this time, do you really have to cancel the trip?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Spiders cause different conflicting feelings in humans. Not everyone dares to have such an exotic pet at home. Whoever decides to buy a cute spider for himself must certainly give him a name. What is the name of a spider? Instructions Step 1 The first thing to look for when choosing a name is the appearance of your pet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Dogs, cats, hamsters and aquarium fish are common pets that will hardly surprise your guests. If you want something special, get a spider. This is an exotic-looking animal that will not sit on your lap while you pet it, but will give you many interesting minutes spent observing its life
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Probably everyone in his life has seen a house spider at least once. Ordinary inhabitants know little about these insects - they have eight legs, weave cobwebs and feed on flies. But is it? Spiders can often be found in apartments, even in winter, but the population of flies tends to seasonality
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Fish with both male and female sex characteristics are considered hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditism itself is the simultaneous (or sequential) presence of female and male sexual characteristics in a living organism, as well as organs for reproduction
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The cost of puppies of some dog breeds can reach several thousand dollars. If you would like to have a four-legged friend and at the same time it does not matter to you at all whether he is purebred or not, you do not have to buy a pet. The dog can be donated
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Owl and eagle owl are typical representatives of the order of owls. These birds have both some similarities and a number of significant differences. Both of these birds are predominantly nocturnal predators with large round eyes and similar silhouettes
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The reasons why you may have a small helpless, weak kitten in your hands are different: you were left without a cat, the guys were tortured, you got sick. But whatever the reason, it needs to be properly cared for, and it is better to entrust the treatment to the veterinarian
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You have acquired a small fold-eared kitten, brought this fluffy lump home and from your excitement you cannot find a name for it. But you really want your cat to be called somehow in a special way! A name for a kitten, like a name for a person, is given once in a lifetime and forever
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
For the carnival, you can find a chic costume with many details. And you can limit yourself to only one mask. If you make it yourself with a manifestation of imagination, then you can outshine even the most unusual costumes. It is necessary thick paper, elastic band, paints, artificial fur, fantasy Instructions Step 1 Have you been invited to a costume party and have no time to buy or sew a costume?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
At 4-5 weeks of age, the kittens have outgrown their awkward infancy and have not yet acquired adolescent angularity. It is during this period that they are especially cute, which the owners often "stake" on: this is one of the most popular periods for the "
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Nice little face and powerful paws. This is the first thing that catches the eye and is remembered at the sight of Scottish kittens. The Scottish Fold cat appeared relatively recently and is not yet recognized in all countries of the world
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
For the fact that a small kitten with a magnificent pedigree will appear in the family, household members begin to prepare in advance. He needs to prepare places where he will sleep and feed, purchase dishes, toys. But the name of the new family member will need to be chosen after the kitten appears in the house