Loyal Friend Labrador: Breed Description

Loyal Friend Labrador: Breed Description
Loyal Friend Labrador: Breed Description

Despite its rather impressive size, from the first glance at the Labrador it becomes clear that this is a dog-friend. Recently, the breed has become especially popular, especially since Labradors feel quite well even in city apartments.

Loyal friend Labrador: breed description
Loyal friend Labrador: breed description

The Labrador breed is considered universal, although it belongs to the subgroup of hunting gun dogs - waiting for the hunter's shot, tracking the place where the game fell and bringing it to the owner. It is clear that the breeding work was aimed at developing such qualities of character as endurance and calmness. The breed standard was established back in 1887, and today the Labrador is considered one of the calmest and most balanced breeds, although from the category of hunting it has gradually passed into companion dogs.

External features of the breed

Outwardly, this dog is distinguished by a strong, proportional physique with a well-sculpted massive skull and muzzle, intelligent eyes of hazel or brown color. Hanging ears, not very large. Well developed jaws with a scissor bite. The color of the dense coat with a dense undercoat is uniform fawn, chocolate or black. For those with dark coats, the standard allows for one light spot located on the broad chest. The back is straight, with a strong short loin, ending in a thick tail at the base, which gradually tapers towards the end. The weight of Labradors can range from 25 to 60 kg, at the withers the height of bitches is maximum 55 cm, for males - 57 cm.

Labrador character

For dogs of this breed, rather large and self-confident, a characteristic feature is the desire to protect and easy indulgence towards children, combined with selfless love for all family members. Devotion to their master is truly unlimited, they are very hard to endure separation, although they are never intrusive and do not ask for contact, just trying to stay close. Labradors simply cannot harm a person for no reason, they were originally brought up as protectors and assistants, which is now in demand in many professions where dogs of this breed are used as service dogs.

It is believed that Labradors are one of the few breeds, along with dachshunds and mittelschnauzers, who have a sense of humor. They love to eat, but do not beg for food, but, keeping an imperturbable look, they sit next to the table, knowing full well that the loving heart of someone from the family will not stand it, and they will always get their piece of tasty food. You should not succumb to such manipulations, so as not to become a frequent visitor to the veterinary clinic. Labradors love to play and, although they often manage to maintain an imposing and stately appearance, they are always ready to take part in a fun fuss or run after a ball.
