Spitz is a small dog with luxurious fur, a pointed muzzle, pointed erect ears and a fluffy tail, twisted into a ring. Currently, the smallest German (Pomeranian) Spitz are especially popular. The most common oranges are reddish-orange in color.

Step 1
Buying a Spitz puppy, you will acquire a loyal, active, cheerful and energetic friend. The Spitz is easy to train, sociable and friendly, and is great for companion dog role. Please note that Spitz are quite mobile and like long walks, they swim with pleasure, are cheerful and cheerful until old age. The content is quite unpretentious.

Step 2
The height of the Spitz at the withers is up to 23cm, the ideal weight of a show Spitz is 1, 8 - 2, 7 kg. The coat is long, straight, hard with a thick soft undercoat. On the withers and neck, the wool forms a luxurious collar, on the forearms - magnificent fluffy feathers, on the hips - trousers, and on the tail the wool is especially thick and fluffy. The muzzle, forehead, ears and limbs are covered with short, thick, velvety hair. Color - black, white, chocolate, brown, cream, orange, red, zone-gray, zone-sand, blue, dark brown, two-color. The skull is flat, slightly large in relation to the "fox" muzzle. The teeth are straight, the bite is straight or scissor. The nose is black or to match the main color. Small, erect ears. The eyes are dark, slightly oval, of medium size. Neck of medium length, lean and muscular. Straight, short, wide and strong back. Set on high, of medium length, tail, curled over the back in a ring and close to it. The tail is covered with thick, long fluffy hair. Deep, broad chest with rounded ribs. The forelegs are of medium length, muscular and strong. The hind legs should be straight, parallel to each other, slightly outside the line of the ischial tuberosities. Paws are small, round, with strong black nails. Spitz's movements are free, light, straight, elastic and fast.

Step 3
If you decide to buy a Pomeranian, have decided on its size and color, think about why you need a puppy - for breeding, participating in exhibitions, or you just need a pet.

Step 4
Different puppies are born in the same litter. If you need a puppy for breeding and visiting shows, look for a show class puppy that does not deviate from the breed standard, from very good (most often imported) producers. Such puppies, as a rule, are more expensive than usual ones and very often remain in the kennel or go into the hands of professionals.

Step 5
The breeding class includes puppies that are slightly inferior in exterior to their brothers. These are dogs with slight defects in the exterior. These can be very slight deviations in color, limb length, weight, etc., which, in most cases, are only noticeable to specialists. You can also visit exhibitions with them, but they will not become champions. But with a good pedigree, they can make excellent sires.

Step 6
Most of the puppies being born belong to the pet class. "Pat" (from English pet) means - "pet". These puppies do not have the special merits necessary to qualify for the championship, but in appearance and character they correspond to the Spitz breed standard with slight deviations. Any deviation from the standard is assessed to the extent that it affects the health and condition of the dog. If you are not interested in shows, titles and breeding, this is your puppy.
Step 7
Tell the breeder about your intentions regarding the future of the puppy. A serious breeder of his breed is always interested in the career of his dogs and will assist you in choosing a puppy based on your wishes.
Step 8
Be aware that getting and growing droppings can be tricky. Raising puppies requires a lot of money and a lot of physical and mental labor. Therefore, too low a price for puppies should alert you.
Step 9
In any case, only buy purebred puppies. After all, the presence of a pedigree guarantees that there were no mongrels among the relatives of your puppy, for tens of years, specialists have watched each of your pet's ancestors and none of them has mental abnormalities and defects.
Step 10
When purchasing a puppy, pay attention to the conditions in which the puppy grew up. The room must be clean, adult dogs well-groomed. The puppies themselves should be active and fun. By the time of sale (starting from eight weeks of age), the puppies must be vaccinated and prevented from worms. Pay attention to the mother of the puppies. The bitch usually does not look very good after giving birth and feeding, but she should be healthy and well-nourished.
Step 11
Do not hesitate to ask questions to the breeder, because in the future you will have to ask him for advice quite often.