As often happens, I want to have a dog, but sometimes there is not enough space, sometimes allergies are among relatives, then there is no one to walk. But if you really want to make a four-legged friend, then you can always find a way out. After all, there are breeds whose representatives will suit absolutely everyone: allergy sufferers, lovers of silence, and people who work day and night.

Unfortunately, there are no dogs that do not shed at all. Just from someone, for example, from a dwarf poodle or an Italian Italian greyhound, there is very little wool. And from the American blue dog you will not see wool at all.
The saying “The smaller the dog is, the louder and more often it barks” is true in most cases. First of all, it concerns the fashionable Chihuahua breed. But there are also exceptions. For example, Basenji dogs practically do not bark. Yes, and those who love to the place and out of place to give a voice, it is quite possible to wean from this correct education.
All dogs need street walks. But pocket dogs can be trained to use the litter box. And then you can go for a walk not strictly by the clock, but at a time convenient for you.
How to choose a dog for yourself
First, study the shaggy breeds so that you don't spend a lot of time combing and picking wool from clothes and furniture. Secondly, the dog must be manageable, since walks around the city involve frequent, preferably conflict-free, meetings with people and other dogs. Thirdly, your friend should not need serious physical activity and at the same time feel like at home in a city apartment. It is also good if your friend is not too whimsical to food and can easily transfer moving, both in cars and in public transport.
Responsibility for the animal
Often people give birth to representatives of small hunting breeds in the apartment: fox terrier, jack russle terrier, dachshund, and then they look for someone to give their grown four-legged friend to, or even worse - bring a healthy animal to a veterinary clinic for euthanasia. There are many complaints: gnawing things, destroying an apartment, not getting along with a cat or children, howling and barking. And the reason is actually the same, and it does not lie in the animal, but in the owners: they did not cope. But they failed, because before buying a puppy they did not think that representatives of hunting breeds need constant employment and daily education.
Large dog breeds
Lovers of large breeds need to know that some large dogs, in principle, cannot be started in an urban environment. Such breeds include, for example, the Australian Shepherd, accustomed to the endless expanses, which will be too cramped even at the summer cottage. American Foxhound, Greyhounds, Basset Hound in a city apartment will be stressed. Also, a healthy Caucasian Shepherd Dog, designed to protect the house, has absolutely nothing to do within its four walls. But among large dogs, many can live peacefully even in a one-room apartment. For example, the Irish wolfhound, not very different from the Caucasian in size, will be very comfortable even in a small apartment, if only the owner is there. The same qualities are possessed by the German Shepherd, Great Dane, St. Bernard and other breeds that do not need physical activity.