The paraanal glands belong to a special group of skin glands for the reproduction of sebaceous or sweat secretions. The secret is quite odorous and necessary to scare off enemies or attract individuals of the opposite sex.

The first symptoms of the disease
The release of secretion from the paraanal glands occurs during each bowel movement, as well as during the period of sexual activity, stress, great mobility. The inflammatory process takes place in several stages. Initially, there is a violation of the natural outflow of secretion from the anal sinus, which leads to its overflow. During this period, the animal looks quite healthy, only from time to time it can restlessly lick its tail.
The second stage of the disease
The secret then begins to thicken and turns into flakes. The dog can behave strangely and ride on the floor on the buttocks. This symptom can confuse the owners. This is how dogs behave when there are worms. When touching the tail or hind legs, the pet may experience pain. The secret, among other things, is absorbed into the bloodstream, which causes severe itching throughout the body. The dog begins to scratch uncontrollably, lick the anal passage.
The appearance of pus
The next period is the most difficult. In the paraanal glands, microorganisms begin to multiply, pus appears, the glands themselves and nearby tissues become inflamed. If the pus does not come out through the natural pathways, then an abscess occurs, which breaks out near the anus after maturation. During bowel movements, the dog experiences severe pain. Even lying and walking becomes unbearable.
Causes of the disease
This disease is most often found in sedentary pets. Their muscles do not develop properly, and the secret stagnates for a long time in the glands. Weak immunity, poor heredity, frequent constipation or loose stools are also causes of inflammation of the paraanal glands. The disease can be provoked by external or internal injuries, bites, unhealthy diet, lack of proper hygiene. The owners most often notice the ailment when the abscess has already broken through, and the pus has come out.
Treatment of ailment
Treatment consists first of all in freeing the paraanal glands from the accumulated secretion. If the natural process of fluid release is disturbed, then you need to do it mechanically. Such services are offered in veterinary clinics, but you can carry out the procedure yourself at home. This will require petroleum jelly and gloves. You need to enter the anus with your index finger, feel the pear-shaped gland from one and the other side, press on it with massage movements and push out the liquid. After that, an anti-inflammatory candle should be inserted.
If the disease is started, then a novocaine blockade with an antibiotic will be needed. The course lasts about 15 days. Then the sinuses are washed with an antiseptic. If a fistula appears in the anus, then the treatment will be aimed at eliminating it. In severe cases, surgery is required to remove the anal glands.